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辽宁省沈阳市沈河区2006年下学期九年级英语期中质量跟踪监测试卷一. 本周教学内容:沈河区上学期九年级英语期中质量跟踪监测试卷(答题时间:60分钟)I. 单项选择(本题共20分) ( )1. Do you have _MP3?No, I dont.A. a B. an C. the D. /( ) 2. Could you please pass_ the book ? A. my B. I C. me D. mine( )3. Excuse me, wheres the nearest _? I want to send a letter. A. museum B. theatre C. police station D. post office( )4. Listen! The boys _ about Liu Xiang , the favorite sport star. A. have talked B. will talk C. are talking D. were talking( )5. We all know fish cannot live _water. A. with B. in C. under D. without( )6. Time is money. But I think it is _money. A. as important as B. so important as C. more important than D. the same as ( )7. _hard work you have done! Its very kind of you to say so. A. What B. How C. What a D. How a( )8. _do you visit your parents? Twice a week. A. How long B. How often C. How far D. How many ( )9. None of them knew what had happened _ I told them the truth. A. since B. until C. after D. if( )10. The World without Thieves is a very nice film. People _it. A. are worried about B. complain about C. speak highly of D. are fed up with( )11. Mum, this piece of pork smells_. What a pity! Throw it into the dustbin then. A. nice B. beautiful C. terrible D. dirty( )12. What do you think of the twins? _of them is friendly. I dont like them at all. A. Both B. All C. Neither D. Either( )13. What does the boy say to the girl when the girl says “The same to you! ”? A. Happy birthday! B. Welcome to our school. C. Happy Womens Day! D. Merry Christmas! ( )14. Have you finished _ the book Harry Potter?Yes, its interesting . A. read B. reading C. write D. writing ( )15. May I play computer games now, Mum?Im sorry you _. Do your homework first. A. cant B. used to C. neednt D. have to ( )16. There _ a parentsmeeting on Friday.My father is going to meet the teacher on that day. A. will have B. wasC. has D. will be( )17. Do you remember _ just now?A. what the teacher saysB. what did the teacher sayC. what the teacher said D. what does the teacher say( )18. English is _ used all over the world.I think so. Half the worlds telephone calls are made in English.A. hardlyB. widelyC. healthilyD. badly ( )19. What does your brother do?_. A. He is fineB. He is thin and tall C. He is 16 years old D. He is a student( )20. I left my pencilsharpener at home. _. You can use mine. A. Help yourself B. Im sorry C. Dont worry D. You are welcome. 完成对话(本题共10分)根据对话内容,选择适当的句子补全下面对话,使对话意思完整与正确。A: Hi, Li Lei! 21. _B: No, not really. Ive been busy studying for my exams. What about you?A: Oh, I watched several games. They were quite exciting.B: Lucky you are! 22. _A: Little Ronaldo from Brazil. And I think hes the most excellent player in the world.B: So do I. 23. _A: The Germany Team, I believe.B: Why?A: 24. _ And the players are famous for their great teamwork.B: 25. _ Lets look forward to the final match.A. Who is your favorite player?B. Maybe you are right.C. Did you watch the games of the World Cup?D. What did you do yesterday?E. The Germany Team always plays well.F. Which team will win in 2006 World Cup?G. Certainly not. 完形填空(本题共15分)阅读下面短文并从A、B、C、D中选择一个最佳答案。About 70,000,000 Americans are trying to lose weight. That is almost one out of every three people in the United States. Some people eat 26 food and they hardly have any fat or sweets. Others do running, exercise with machines, take medicines, or even have operations. 27 you can see losing weight is 28 work , and it will also cost a lot of money. But 29 do so many people in the United States want to lose weight?Many people in the United States worry about how their body looks. For many people, looking nice also means being 30 . Other people worry about their health as many doctors 31 that being overweight is not good.Most people want to find a faster and 32 way to take off fat, and books of this kind are very popular. These books tell people how to lose weight. Each year a lot of new books like these are 33 . Each one says it can easily help people take fat away. Losing weight can be 34 . Some overweight people go to health centers, like Lac Costa in California. Men and women 35 several hundred dollars a day at these health centers. People live there for one week or two, 36 ex
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