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Unit 8 Reading 一、完形填空 阅读短文,掌握其大意,然后从A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 When I was eight, I_1_ a book about stars. That was the _2_ of my lifetime hobby. I used to go outside with my mum _3_ clear nights and look at the sky. It looked _4_ black velvet with a million diamonds on it. In different_5_, we saw different groups of stars. Sometimes we saw stars _6_ brightly across the sky. _7_ beautiful they were! _8_ the stars was great fun for me. Once I learnt a little about them, I soon wanted to find out more and more. Now it is my career. I host a TV programme _9_ The Sky at Night. I use my knowledge _10_ people about the stars in a lively way. I am proud of my TV programme-it has lasted for more than 50 years! Actually, you can turn your hobby into your career too. Anybody can achieve their dreams. You just have to enjoy what you do! ( )1. A get B got C getting D have got ( )2. A begin B began C beginning D beginning( )3. A on B in C at D above( )4. A for B at C like D after( )5. A season B seasoning C seasons D seasonner( )6. A shoot B shooted C shooting D to shoot( )7. A How B What C What a D How a ( )8. A Study B Studied C Studying D Studies( )9. A call B calling C called D to call( )10. A tell B to tell C told D telling二、回答问题 阅读短文,然后根据内容回答所提问题。My lifetime hobby-studying starsBy Patrick Moore When I was eight, I got a book about stars. That was the beginning of my lifetime hobby. I used to go outside with my mum on clear nights and look at the sky. It looked like black velvet with a million diamonds on it. In different seasons, we saw different groups of stars. Sometime we saw stars shooting brightly across the sky. How beautiful they were! Studying the stars was great fun for me. Once I learnt a little about them, I soon wanted to find out more and more. Now it is my career. I host a TV programme called The Sky at Night. I use my knowledge to tell people about the stars in a lively way. I am proud of my TV programme-it has lasted for more than 50 years! Actually, you can turn your hobby into your career too. Anybody can achieve their dreams. You just have to enjoy what you do!1.Who wrote the article?2. When did the writer get a book stars? 3 .What did the sky look like? 4. What TV programme did the writer host?5 .Why is the writer proud?Unit 8 Reading一、回答问题 阅读短文,然后根据内容回答所提问题。 My lifetime hobbystudying stars When I was eight, I got a book about stars. That was the beginning of lifetime hobby. I used to go outside with my mum on clear nights and look velvet with a million diamonds on it. In different seasons, we saw different groups of stars. Sometimes we saw stars shooting brightly across the sky. How beautiful they were! Studying the stars was great fun for me. Once I learnt a little about them, I soon wanted to find out more and more. Now it is my career. I host a TV programme called The Sky at Night. I use my knowledge to tell people about the stars in a lively way. I am proud of my TV programme-it has lasted for more than 50 years! Actually, you can turn your hobby into your career too. Anybody can achieve their dreams. You just have to enjoy what you do! 1. When did the writer begin his hobby?2. What did the writer use to do with his mum?3. What did the writer think of the stars?4. Why does the writer feel proud of his career? 5. Do you have a dream ? How will you achieve it? 二、阅读短文,阅读短文,然后从方框中选出可以填入文中空白处的单词。I _1_(use) to go outside with my mum on clear nights and look velvet with a million _2_(diamond )on it. In different _3_(season), we saw different groups of stars. Sometimes we saw stars _4_(shoot) brightly _5_(cross) the sky. How _6_ (beautifully) they were!三、综合阅读 阅读短文,然后按要求完成各题。My lifetime hobbystudying starsBy Patrick Moore (A) When I was eight, I got a book about stars. That was the beginning of lifetime hobby. I used to go(B)_ with my mum on clear nights and look velvet with a million diamonds on it. In different seasons, we saw different groups of stars. Sometimes we saw stars shooting brightly across the sky. How beautiful they were! Studying the stars was great fun for me. Once I learnt a little about(C)them, I soon wanted to find out more and more. Now it is my career. I host a TV programme called The Sky at Night. I use my knowledge to tell people about the stars in a(D)_way. I am proud of my TV programme(E)it has lasted for (F)more than 50 years! Actually, you can turn your hobby into your career(G)too. Anybody can achieve their dreams. You just have to enjoy what you do! 1、 将(A)处改写为:_ _ _ _ _, I got a book about stars.2、 在文中(B)和(D)后的空白处各填一个适当的词:_ _3、 划线部分 (C)和(E)处在文中分别指代的是:_
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