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Unit 10 If you go to the party, youll have a great timeSectionB学习目标:1、学会从听力资料中捕捉信息。 2、单词和短语学习重点:1、重点词汇和句子。学习难点:1、听力技能的训练。 2、阅读技能的训练。学习过程:一、 情境导入(Warm up)T:If you go to college,what will you do ?学生复习if引导的条件状语从句。2、Do 1a, Read the phrases3、Pairwork,ask and answer like 1d.二、引入新课(Presentation)1、听力练习(1)预习1c,听材料,然后做1b。(在学生看题时,老师可帮助学生一起翻译下句子,加强听力训练)(2)Listen again. Do 1c.(3)核对答案2、阅读训练(1)学生回答2a的问题,快读2b,挑出看不懂的句子,同桌讨论。(2)请一位学生大声朗读短文,并翻译,其余学生完成2b,2c的题目。(3)核对答案(4)展示:小组合作讨论2d,看哪组做的最标准,最后对照答案。(教师适时总结,评价,帮助学生找到适合自己的方法。)(5)2e.groupwork, ask and answer,write their answers.三、写作训练。(1)Groupwork,问学生最担忧的三个问题,想出解决这些问题的答案。(2)3b,把问题和解决的办法写出来。(3)最后写一篇文章。学生之间相互批改,写的好的,放在教室展示。四,自我评估1.If it rains tomorrow, we _ visit the museum. A. dont do B .wont go C .arent go D. didnt go.2. Will you go to the park if it _ fine? A. will be B. was C. is D /3. If you _to school late, your teacher _ angry with you. A. come; are B. come, will be C. will come; are D. will come; will be4. If you _ hard, you will _ successful. A. work, are B. works, is C. to work, be D. work, be5. If I _ too much TV, my mother will _. A .watch, angry B .watched, be angry C .watch, be angry D .will watch, be angry四、开心:我的收获:1、 2、 3、 加油:我记不牢的有:1、 2、 3、 2
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