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Unit 2 Traveling Reading 2学案 【教学目标】1. 了解主人公香港之行的见闻和活动。2. 扩展词汇谈论旅游的见闻。【教学内容】 1. 四会内容词汇:whale, speed, ride, magic, pie, excitement, clap, fantastic,include词组:in front of the whale fountain, at the entrance, move at high speed, through the whole ride, cant wait to go, wave to, march across the park, clap and scream with joy句型:1.I heard you have gone to Thailand.2. I have been here in Hong Kong for two days. 3. I couldnt stop taking photos.4. The children clapped and screamed with joy when they saw their favourite characters.2. 三会内容 词汇: fountain, cute, performer, wave, march, three-D, shiny【课前预习】1Do exercises C, D on page 29.2. Try to find the following sentences in the article and do some exercises. a. 自从上个月以来,我一直没有看见过你。 I _ you _last month.自从他出生以来,就一直没有离开常州。He _ Changzhou since _. b. 我听说你已经去泰国了。(你已去了某地。此句只能在书信和打电话时使用。) I hear you _ Thailand. He isnt here now, he _ Tokyo. (他现在不在这儿)。 C我来香港已经有两天了。 I _ in HongKong for two days. For, since 引导“段”时间,一定要和延续性动词或短语连用。 参见P32 e.g: come/go/arrive -be in some place 我们来这个学校已有3年了。 We _ for three years. 自从一个星期前她就已经去了上海。She _ since a week ago. d.它是一个著名的主题公园,包含四个不同的公园美国的小镇大街,明日世界,幻想世界和探险世界。 It is _ and includes four different parks - Main Street USA, Tomorrowland, Fantasyland and Adventureland. e. 但我对吃不敢兴趣。 But I _ eating. Be interested in sth/ doing sth _ 你对乘飞机旅行感兴趣吗? Are you _by plane? f. 我禁不住要和他们合影因为他们看起来都是如此的可爱和漂亮。 I_ with them because they all looked so nice and _. couldnt stop doing sth _ stop doing sth _ stop to do sth _ 当她看见那些旧照片时,她不能停止哭泣。She couldnt _ when she saw the old photos.当老师进来时,学生们停止了讲话。The students _ when the teacher came in. 昨天我在回家的路上停下来买报纸。I _ on my way home yesterday. g. 当孩子们看到他们喜欢的人物时,他们高兴地拍手尖叫。 The children _ and screamed _ when they saw their favourite characters. “ with joy”介词短语,起副词作用,修饰动词。在句中充当状语 当听到这个消息时,她高兴地跳起了舞。 When she heard the news, she _. 当爸爸告诉Sam 妈妈很快要回家时,他高兴地叫了起来。 Sam _when his father told him that his mother would come back soon.【学习指导】1. have been , have been to, have gone to, have been in,的区别havebeen意为“成为多长时间”;havebeenin意为“在某地呆了多长时间”。二者都常与表示一段时间的状语连用。如: 1、Shehasbeenateacherforfiveyears。 2、Ihavebeenherefortwohours。 3、HisparentshavebeeninChinaforthreemonths。 havebeento意为“曾经去过某地”,现在已不在那里了,常与ever,just,never等词连用。其后可接once,twice等表示次数的词。如: 4、Hehasjustbeentothelibrary。 5、TheyhaveneverbeentotheGreatWall。 6、IhavebeentoBeijingmanytimes。 havegoneto意为“到某地去了”,说话时作句子主语的人不在现场,通常是第三人称作句子的主语。如: 7、Where isTom?Hehasgonetothepostoffice。 8、MrGreenisnthere。HehasgonetoShanghai。2. at the entrance 在入口处at the entrance意为“在入口处”,其后可接of 短语,表示“在的入口处”;其反义词组为at the exit (of .) “在(的)出口处”; at the entrance to some place意为“在通往某处的入口处”。如: Ill waiting for you at the entrance / exit of the cinema. 我会在电影院的入(出)口处等你。There are many advertisements at the entrance to the city. 在通往城市的入口处有许多广告。3. It moved at high speed. 它以非常快的速度运动move at high speed 意为“以非常快的速度移动/运动”; 而at the speed of意思是“以的速度”。如:The car is moving at high speed. 汽车正在以非常快的速度行驶着。She ran at the speed of 10 meters a second. 她以每秒10米的速度奔跑。类似的短语还有at low speed(低速); at full speed(全速)。 4.be interested in的意思为对某方面感兴趣 be interested in后加名词或代词,He is very interested in playing basketball.他对打篮球很感兴趣5. cant stop doing sth 禁不住做某事cant stop doing sth 与 cant help doing sth意义相近,都是“情不自禁地做某事”的意思。如:He couldnt stop screaming when he saw his idolJay Chou. 当看见自己的偶像周杰伦时,他禁不住尖叫起来。6.ride的用法n. 骑马,乘坐,乘车,搭便车,欺骗 vt. 骑,乘坐,克服,控制,缠住 vi. 骑马,乘车 同反义词同: n. drive v. cod, depend on, drive, sit反: v. walk点击查看词义辨析drive,ride这两个动词均含有“乘、骑”之意。drive指乘坐在有轮子的交通工具之内,控制其行驶。ride通常指骑在车、马上行驶。点击查看参考例句1. Dont ride your bicycle on the pavement. 不要在人行道上骑自行车。2.The heavy rain made the house ride soft. 大雨使那跑马场变得松软。点击查看点击查看7.wave的用法英音:weiv美音:wev 名词 n. C1. 波,波浪2. (手之)挥动,挥手示意He gave me a wave. 他对我挥手。 3. 浪潮;(情绪的)高涨;(活动等的)高潮(+of)A wave of anger swept over him. 他心头涌起一股怒潮。 4. 【物】波;振动5. (头发的)卷曲,烫发及物动词 vt.
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