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滨州市2011年中考英语模拟试题(8)第卷(选择题 共70分)一、听力选择(共25小题,计25分)(一)录音中有5个句子,每个句子听两遍,然后在每小题A、B、C三个选项中,选出与所听句子意思相同或相近的答案。1.A.He has bought a book for me. B.He has paid for a book.C.He has returned the book to me.2.A.The teacher couldnt use a computer.B.The students all know how to use a computer.C.The students cant use a computer.3.A.There is som ething wrong with the plane. They want to change it in London. B.Do they take another plane in London? C.They will go to London by plane.4.A.The baby stopped to cry. B.The baby likes crying.C.The baby stopped crying.5.A.B.C.(二)录音中有5个句子,每个句子听两遍,然后在每小题A、B、C三个选项中,选出能回答每个句子的正确答案。6.A.By the way.B.By air.C.In the office.7.A.Oh, thanks.B.Of course, I would.C.No, not at all.8.A.Yes, it is.B.Yes, I do.C.Yes I had.9.A.Hold on for a moment, please.B.As soon as possible. C.He is speaking to you.10.A.Thats right.B.Thats a good idea.C.Thats very kind of you.(三)录音中有五段对话和5个问题,听对话和问题两遍后,从每小题A、B、C三个选项中,选出能正确回答录音中每个问题的答案。11.A.He is a doctor.B.He is a driver.C.He is a farmer.12.A.About the food.B.About the weather.C.About the work.13.A.That evening.B.That morning.C.The next morning.14.A.Her leg was broken.B.She doesnt have a ticket. C.She is going to see her aunt.15.A.To write a letter to Mr.White.B.To see Mr.White him self. C.To call Mr.White by phone.(四)录音中有一段对话和5个问题,听对话和问题两遍后,从每小题A、B、C三个选项中,选出能正确回答录音中每个问题的答案。16.A.It means the possibility of harm or loss.B.It means “Run away quickly”.C.It means “Hands up”.17.A.A special signal of a country. B.The international signal for help.C.An international signal of sports.18.A.On packing boxes of goods.B.On any box of food. C.On any box of wood.19.A.NO PARKING B.DANGER C.PLAY,PAUSE,STOP20.A.HOURS B.NO PARKING C.OFFICE HOURS(五)录音中有一篇短文,听短文两遍后,从每小题A、B、C三个选项中,选出能正确回答录音中每个问题的答案。21.A.To play games.B.To visit her brothers family. C.To do some shopping.22.A.A pair of trousers.B.A shirt.C.A black sweater.23.A.Sorry, I dont know.B.No, she isnt.C.Yes, she is.24.A.In her box.B.Beside her seat.C.Behind her.25.A.Cotton.B.Clouds.C.Her presents.二、单项填空(共15小题,计15分)从A、B、C、D中选出能填入各句空白处的最佳答案。26.Which of the follow word stress(重音)is right? A.excuseB.correctC.InternetD.neighbourhood27.Hello, Li Ming, have you got _ E-mail address? Oh, yes, Ive got _ . Its jrong hotmail.com. A.an, oneB.a, itC. / , oneD.the, it28.The pen is broken. _ you cant use it. A.I hopeB.I think C.Im afraid D.Id like29.How much _ this pair of trousers? Ten dollars _ enough. A.are, isB.is, areC.are, areD.is, is30.May I speak to Mr Green, please? _ . A.No, she isnt inB.Yes, you may C.Dont worryD.Hold on for a minute, please31.My father will have a _ holiday next month. Were going _ a field trip. A.ten days, toB.ten days, forC.ten-days, atD.ten days, on32.The flowers _ if they _ . A.wont grow, dont take good care ofB.wont grow, arent taken good care of C.dont grow, are taken good care ofD.dont grow, dont take good care of33.Excuse me, can you tell me_ ? A.when does the plane leaveB.when the plane had left C.when the plane leavesD.when did the plane leave34.Its not polite to _ the others. A.speak toB.helpC.laugh atD.talk to35.My shoes are worn out. I have to buy _ . A.a new oneB.new onesC.another oneD.a new pair36. _ ? I cant find the way to the post office. A.What are you B.How are you C.Whats your trouble D.Where are you going37.After entering the WTO, _ foreigners will come to our country for business. A.someB.fewerC.allD.more38.Mike learns a lot about internet. And _ . A.I dont eitherB.so do IC.so am ID.I am, too39.You didnt go to his birthday party last night, _ you? _ , though I wasnt busy. A.did; Yes, I didB.did; No, I didntC.didnt; Yes, I hadD.didnt; No, I hadnt40.Which of the diagrams below shows the air temperature of Beijing in a year?三、完形填空(共10小题,计10分)阅读下面短文,从每小题A、B、C、D四个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳答案。Someone says, “Time is money.” But I think time is 41 important than money. Why? Because when money is spent, we can get it back. However, when time is 42 , itll never 43 . That is 44 we mustnt waste time.It goes without saying that the 45 is usually limited. Even a second is very important. We should make full use of our time to do 46 useful.But it is a pity that there are a lot of people who 47 know the importance of time. They spent their limited time smoking, drinking and playing. They do not know that washing time means wasting part of their own 48 .In a word, we should save time. We shouldnt 49 todays
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