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Unit 10 By the time I got outside, the bus had already left(第2课时)策略与反思纠错与归纳【学习目标】1. 识记并运用P.78的单词和短语, go off, rush off, on time ,broke2. 理解并运用句型: When I got to school, the final bell was ringing. Have you ever overslept?3. 熟记短语: 1. be late for 2. go off 3. wake up 4. wait for sb. 5. take / have a shower(bath) 6. have a quick breakfast 7. ran off to 8. start(begin) doing /to do sth. 9. get to school on time 10. give sb. a ride【温故知新】 学而时习之 不亦说乎Complete the conversationA: Hi, Li Ming. 1_.B: I am. I had a bad afternoon.A: Really?2 _?B: Well, first of all I left my school bag at home.A:3_?B: Well, I ran home to get my school bag. When I got home to get my bag I found I left my key in my school bag.A:4 _.B: I went back to school at once. When I got to school, the bell had already rung. The teacher criticized me.A:5_! 老师在你身边同学们记住过去完成时的用法了吗?【自主学习】 认真预习,听磁带跟读,熟读并背诵一、英汉互译6. 上学迟到 _7. go off _8. 等他们出来 _9. wake up _10. 准时到校 _11. run off to the station_12. 开始上课 _13. give me a ride _14. 忘带作业 _15. take a quick shower_二、根据首字母提示补全单词16. Have you ever _(忘记) to bring your homework to school?17. On my way to school, my car _(坏了).18. I have never _(迟到) for class.19. I have _(锁) my keys in my house.20. Last year I _ (我忘记了母亲的) birthday【合作探究】升华学科能力,透析重难点.1. go off 发出响声 Theres something wrong with my alarm clock and it doesnt go off. go off (水电)断掉;失灵;变质 The lights went off. 译:_ go by(时间)过去;消逝Time goes by second by second. 译:_go on 继续Please go on reading. 译:_go away 离开;消失;走开 They packed their clothes and went away. 译: _2. run off跑掉;迅速离开。常与介词to或from连用。 The students finished the exercises and ran off to the playground. 译:_ run away 抛开;逃走 A monkey ran away from the zoo. 译:_ run out (of) 用光;用完 I have run out of my money. 译:_3. give sb. a ride 让某人搭便车,ride是名词,意为“乘车”。 A man gave me a ride back to Qingdao. 译:_ Would you please give me a ride? 译:_根据汉语意思完成句子。21. 我们邻居的汽车警报器总是在半夜里响起。 Our neighbors car alarm always _in the middle of the night.22. 这牛排坏了。This steak has _.23. 那些小孩打破我的窗子跑掉了。 The kids _ my window and _.24. 他们主动的让我搭便车。 They offered to _.25. 当她路过超市时,她看到许多外国人。 When she _ the supermarket, she saw many foreigners.【当堂检测】技能拓展应用,搭建晋级平台( )26. - Did you meet Tom at the airport? - No. His plane _ by the time I _ there. A. has taken off ; got B. took off; had got C. took off; arrived D. had taken off; arrived( )27. We_ four hundred English words. A. had learned B. learned C. have learned D. learn( )28. My phone is broken. It didnt _ just now. A. come out B. go off C. take off D. set off( )29. Percy called me to come to the party, but she herself didnt _. A. showed around B. show up C. put up D. come up with( )30. On the way to work, my friend Alice _ on her bike. A. come by B. comes by C. came by D. coming by 4
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