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Unit5 基础知识Objectives: To master the words, phrases and sentences of the units.Activity One : Check the words , phrases and sentences .I. Words: 1. polite adj. _ (adv.) 2. proper adj. _ (adv.)3. loud adj. _ (adv.) 4. say v. _ (n.) 谚语 5. discuss v. _ (n.) 6. park v. _ (n.) 停车7. polite adj. _ (反义词) 8. warn v. _ (n.) 9. 避免 10. 原谅,宽恕 11. 讨论 12. 公共的,公开的 13. 解释 14. 目的 II. phrases:1. 到处扔垃圾 _ 2使水龙头一直流着 _3. 遵守交通规则 _ 4排队等候 5在公开场合行为合理 6警告某人某事 _III. Sentences:1. 请避免像年龄,体重和钱这样的话题。Please like age , and money.2. 他们认为插到别人前面是粗鲁的。 They think_ before others.3. 他们会耐心等到你移开。 They will be till you move.4. 吃东西和喝东西时发出太多噪音是不礼貌的。 It is while 。 Activity Two: Discuss the following points in groups. Mark the questions if there are any.巧辨异同 sometimes, some times, sometime和some time (1)sometimes是频率副词,意为“有时候,间或”。有时候我帮母亲做些家务活。 I help my mother do some housework. (2)some times是名词词组,意为“几次,几倍”。去年我在街上遇到过她几次。I met her in the street last year.(3)sometime是副词,意为“某时”。去年夏天的某个时候我见过他I saw him last summer.。(4)some time是名词词组,意为“一段时间”。去年夏天我在我叔叔家住了一段时间。I stayed at my uncles for last summer. too, as well, also和either这四个副词(组)均可表示“也”,但用法不同:(1)too一般放在句末,通常用逗号隔开。 我也是一名学生。I am a student, .(2)as well 多用于口语中,语气较轻,通常用于肯定句或疑问句中,不用于否定句中,且通常放在句末。 我也喜欢你。I like you . (3)also 比 too 和 as well 正式,一般也不用于否定句中,它在句中的位置通常是紧靠动词,即放在实义动词之前,情态动词或be动词之后。他也来了He came.。(4)either 通常只用于否定句中,且要放在句末。 我也不知道I dont know, .。形合练习A. 谓语与非谓语1. Is it rude (插队) before others in public?2. (Obey) traffic rules, queuing for our turn and not ( pick) flowers are of good manners. 3. (Keep) our voice down in public is helpful to others.4. Have you (确保) that both guests and hosts were comfortable at the table?B格性数级1. Do they avoid subjects like age, weight or money when they start a (谈话)? 2.During the (discuss), Simon was too excited to express himself (clear). 3. He wouldnt wait (polite) and kept (cut)in on our conversation. 4. When in Rome, do as the (Roman) do. 5. Will he be ( success) sometime in his life? 6.Is the (目的) of the talk to teach students about table manners?7. Practice makes perfect. / Actions speak louder than words. / No pain, no gain. 8B Unit6基础知识Objectives: To master the words, phrases and sentences of the units.Procedures:Activity One : Check the words , phrases and sentences .1. Words: 1. train v. _ (n.) 训练,培训 2. blind adj. _ (n.)3. home n. _ (adj.) 无家可归的 4. ability n. _ (反义词)5. confident adj. _ (n.) 6. close adj. _ (adv.)7. organize v. _ (n.) 组织 8. survive v. _ (n.)9. operate v. _ (n.) 10. introduce v. _ (n.) 11. 有意义的 12. 年老的 13. 无家可归的 14. 实现,达到 15. 同样的,类似的 16. 必须的,必要的 17. 期待,指望 II. phrases:1. 训练成为 2. 使这个活动成功 3. 与.密切协作 4. 给老人让位 5. 这样一个昂贵的手术 6. 尽快 7. 失去性命 8. 需要帮助的人 III. Sentences:1. 对我们来说支持奥林匹克是有意义的.It is the Olympics. 2.对他们来说在这个任务之前放弃他们的空闲时间并接受训练是有必要的吗?Was it for them their time and receive before doing the ? 3.他们已经为运动员和教练提供支持并帮忙使活动成功吗? they support the athletes and coaches and make the event a great ? 4. 他很勇敢参加比赛吗? it brave him to the competition? 5. 对我们来说和他们密切合作并帮助他们实现他们的梦想是伟大的 Its great us to work with them and help them their dreams. Activity Two: Discuss the following points in groups. Mark the questions if there are any.巧辨异同与give相关的短语:放弃 分发,发出;发表 give in 投降,屈服give off 发出;放出;散发出 give back归还;恢复gi
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