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Unit 8 Topic 2一单词训练:1.决定于_ 2.调查_ 3.进去_ 4.膝盖_5.正文_ 6.原因_ 7.把加热_ 8.航空站_9.警官_10.病人_ 11.传播_ 12.每日的_13.北方的_14.类似的_15.纪律_16.普通的_17.门卫_18.官员_19.意见_20.长筒靴_二.根据汉语完成句子:1.We usually wear uniforms when we are _(在工作).2.Sometimes the police wear plain clothes to _(执行) special tasks.3.The trees can _ the wind _ (阻止) blowing the earth away.4.You should _ (脱下) your shoes when you enter someones home in Japan.5.We can help the people _(在困境中).6.Its important to wear suitable clothes _(在每一个场合).7.People should _(穿着得体).三. 单项选择。( )1. Is _ possible that everyone likes the same clothes?A. thisB. thatC. it( )2. The old man doesnt _ warm shoes when the weather gets cold. A. put onB. wearC. in( )3. The dress looks _ _ you. Really? Then Ill take it. A. nice; inB. nice; onC. ugly; in( )4. I think everyone should wear suitable clothes on every occasion. _. Different occasions, different clothes. A. Good luckB. Its my pleasure C. I agree with you( )5. Did Mr. White tell you _?Yes. He said he went there in 2003. A. when he traveled to Tibet B. how he goes to Wuhan C. where he spent his holidays( )6. Its necessary _ us _ wear suitable clothes on every occasion. A. for; toB. for; forC. to; to( )7. I think our parents should allow us _ _ own clothes. A. choosing; ourB. . to choose; usC. to choose; our( )8. Sometimes the police wear casual clothes to _ special tasks. A. carry offB. carry onC. carry out( )9. If a fat person wears a dark color, it will make him look _. A. slimB. slimerC. slimmer( )10. I _ you to buy tickets first if you want to travel in August. A. advice B. advise C. ask( )11. We should wear different clothes _different occasions.A. in B. onC. at( )12 Its cold outside you must _your coat.A. put in B. take offC. put on( )13. When the plane took _ , the boy was in the shop.A. on B. offC. up( )14.Could you tell me _ the post office is ? I want to post a letter. A.when B.how C.where ( )15.We should _ our plan at once after we make it together. A.take out B.give up C.carry out ( ) 16.We should allow Mike _ the decision by himself. He is a big boy now. A. to making B.make C.to make( ) 17.-Could you tell me _ tomorrow morning? - Well, it will start at 9 oclock. A.when the meeting will start B.where will the meeting start C.when will the meeting start.( )18.- Is _ true _ Americans eat hamburgers and hot dogs every day? - No, thats not true, but they are both very popular foods in America. A.this; when B.that; what C.it; that( )19. Nobody can _ her from changing her mind. Youd better not try. A.stop B.hide C.protect ( ) 20.-We can use QQ to talk with each other on the Internet. - Really? Will you please show me _ it ? A. how can I use B.what can I use C.how to use 四.情景交际:A: Good morning! _?B: Yes, please. Id like a pair of leather shoes. A: _? We have two colors. B: I think I prefer white to black. A: _?B: Size 37. _?A: Certainly. You can try them on.B: Oh, Im afraid they are a little small for me. A: Heres another pair in size 38. What do you think of them?B: Oh, good. They are big enough.I think _. 2
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