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Unit 3 How do you get to school第六课时 写作课 Section B 3a-Self Check P18Teaching and Learning Goals:一、话题: Transportation.二、功能: Talk about transportation and how to get to places .三、语法: Review the use of “how, how far ,how long”.四、词汇和常用表达: 1.Review to use some useful expressions: take the bus /subway /train /taxi , ride a bike/walk,by bike/bus/train ,think of,come true,every day.2.Review the numbers, and express time. 五、学习策略:Guide the students to master the writing skills of transportation.六、文化知识:Lead the students to learn the different transportation between countries, express themselves correctly and know something more about western culture.Teaching and Learning Steps:Pre-writing activities写前活动 Step: Teaching Aims 展示目标Tell the students the learning aims:To talk about transportation and how to get to places.Step: Lead in:Show a short video and some pictures about Beijing Hangzhou Grand Canal (枣庄段京杭大运河) in Zaozhuang to the students .And introduce “A place of water in the north of the river,a historical town with a historical canal”(江北水乡,运河古城) H:枣庄四十四中学刘倩七年级下Unit3第六课时 Section B(3a-Self check)江北水乡运河古城 魅力枣庄宣传片 00_01_30-00_02_20.wmv(设计意图:课前通过有关枣庄段京杭大运河的视频和图片介绍,使学生在大运河畔的历史中,从古老的交通工具延伸到现代化的交通运输方式,能够很快的进入英语学习情境,并能够很好地导入新课.)1.Review 单元话题复习T:From the video and the pictures, how did people in Zaozhuang get to places long long ago?Ss:By shipboat.(作为枣庄人,我们熟知自己家乡的地理情况,学生张口就能答出以前人们出行的方式。)T:Now,in our daily life,there are many new ways of transportation, do you know?Ss: Yes. By BRT, by taxi, by car, by plane air, by train (古今对比,现在我们地区的交通非常发达,学生能列举出很多。)T: Do you know other ways of transportation?(设计意图:采用思维导图的方式给学生展示乘坐船以及其它的交通运输方式,适当的时候做补充,让他们充分的了解现代化的运输方式。)2.T:I have two e-mails.One is from Xu Zheng , he talks about how he goes home; the other is from Tom,he talks about how he goes to school.(利用介绍两封电子邮件的形式,让学生在语境中复习交通运输方式,并加深理解)E-mail One:T:Do you know the movie Lost on Journey(人在囧途) ?Ss:Yes. T:My friend Xu Zheng acts it.Im very proud of(为感到骄傲) my friend.Questions:(1) Do you know the other actor?(2) What do you think of them?(3) Do you know what the movie is about? (4) Can you say some means of transportation in the movie?(5) Do you have the same experience as them? Answers:Yes. Wang Baoqiang.I think they have a bad luck./They are unlucky.(此处可以让学生用汉语回答)How to get home /Transportation.By plane,by car,by ship,walk,by tractorYes/No(设计意图:给学生展示电影中的相关图片,激发学生的学习兴趣。再引导学生讨论相关问题,目的是激活学生头脑中和写作话题交通方式相关的词汇,语段等,为接下来形成一篇文章做好铺垫。)3. Show the Ss a passage with some blanks. Its about e-mail one. Ask the Ss to try to fill in the blanks according to the pictures. 热身导入Dear Qian:Do you like the movie Lost on Journey ? I think Im very unlucky in it with my friend Wang Baoqiang.In order to go home, first, I _ ,and at the same time I meet my new friend-Wang Baoqiang, we go home together.Then we _,six hours later,we get to a bus station,and we _.Because there are too many persons in the bus,we _ for about 30minutes.Its also too far from my home ,so we _ .Its cold but interesting.At last,I get home after the long journey(旅程).Yours,Xu Zheng4. Check the answers. Then ask the Ss to read the whole passage for consolidation.(Answers: take a plane,take a train ,take a bus ,walk,take a tractor )(设计意图:引导学生形成文章意识,然后再鼓励他们去朗读,进行语言的输入,为输出做好积累,为接下来的写作练习做好准备。)Step : Consolidation: Complete the passage in 3a on P 18. Talk about pictures 看图说话T: Well,there are so many ways of transportation around us. What about in the US?T: Who can tell us something about ways of transportation in the US?S1: There are too many cars on the street.S2:Most of the cars are yellow.S3: Americans love their lives.They obey the traffic rules.(学生如不能用英语表达也可使用汉语。)(设计意图:鼓励和引导学生谈论自己所了解的美国交通,激活学生的背景知识。)T: Lets see some pictures about cars in the US.T: Can you see yellow cars? What are they? What do you think of them? (设计意图:利用图片吸引学生,展开对美国校车的讨论,激发学生学习兴趣。)2. Fill in the blanks短文填空E-mail TwoT: Read the e-mail from my pen pal Tom in the US. Read quickly and find out what it is talking about. (学生通读短文掌握大意。)T: Its an e-mail about how Tom gets to school. Writing an e-mail is a great way of expressing your opinion . The advantage of most e-mails is convenient to reply the friends.Use the right greeting is very important(Dear Mr. / Ms.).You must keep it short and clear ,and you can use first, second, next, and finally to express your opinions.At last,you can end up with “I am looking forward to your reply, Thank you,或者Sincerely.(简单介绍电子邮件的特点及作用。)T: Now, please read carefully and fill in the blanks with your own words first. (引导学生根据上下文及所缺部分在句子中所作的成分选词。)T: This time, read carefully and fill in the blanks with the words in the box.(引导学生根据上下文及所缺部分在句子中所作的成分判断选填哪个词。)Have the Ss check their answers with their partners first
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