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湖南省望城县金海双语实验学校九年级英语Unit4 What would you do?学案六(无答案) 人教新目标版学习目标1.掌握本节课的单词。 2.完成Reading。学习重点1. Learn to use the expression of 虚拟语气2 . Master the structure of虚拟语气学习难点掌握重点句型学习过程:(备注栏内请老师们补充复备情况,请同学们补充课堂笔记)流程及预见性问题学习要求和方法备注一、 明确目标1.Greetings and Lead-in:2.Show the teaching aims on the blackboard:What would you do if 3 导入 解释 accident 和 problem Discuss: What kind of accident do you know?What is the biggest problem teengers have?二、自主学习Task 1快读课文回答问题1. Who wrote the book?What does he do?2.How many accidents and problems are mentioned(提及)in the passage?Task 2.找出下列词组(1)have an experience doing sth._ (2)give advice in sth. _ (3)by accident _(4)cover with _(5)press it hard_ (6) a nearby shelf_ _(7)hurry to do_ (8)fall downstairs_ (9)what if_ (10)find out_(11)be/get injured_ 独立完成,认真思考,如同考试中做阅读理解题一样。迅速浏览课文,跳过生词,捕捉关键信息,把握文章主题。课前预习课本内容,根据课文内容思考左边的自主学习试题。(12)stop doing/stop to do_ _ (13)more than a few days_(14)offer to do_ (15)of course_ (16)agree to do sth. _ (17)in a public place_ (18)get pimples_ (19)drink lots of water_(20)a piece of advice_(21)hide sth. from sb. _ (22)tell sb. to do_ (23)internet friends_ 三、合作探究1. Martin Robinson is a famous doctor who has a lot of experience dealing with teenagers.本句是一个由who引导的定语从句。(第六单元将学到)experience 意为“经验”时,为不可数名词。当做“经历”时,为可数名词.A friend offers you cigarettes at a party. Of course you should refuse.2.offer 既可作动词,又可作名词“提供,建议,出售”。常用表示法有offer to do sth 主动提出做某事;offer sb sth= offer sth to sb 向某人提供某物3.refuse 作动词 意思是“谢绝,拒绝,不肯,不准”。用法是 refuse to do sth.四、展示提升读文章,翻译文章大意。五、过关检测1. In winter, all the plants are c_ with snow.2. The magazine c_ out last month.3. Shanghai 2010 World Expo can o_ us a good chance to know the world 4.Martin Robinson has a lot of e dealing with teenagers.5. Reading books is _(help) to improve our English. We should form a good habit of reading.6. When I saw the accident, I hurried _(call) the police.7. The doctor told my father about the _(dangerous) of smoking跟老师组员一块完成合作学习内容,要求认真思考,积极回答老师提出的问题。小组内可以分任务完成读文章和翻译文章利用本堂课所学内容,相信自己,大胆展示,总结反思:我对这篇文章_(理解/不理解)2用心 爱心 专心
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