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湖南省望城县金海双语实验学校九年级英语Unit4 What would you do?学案五(无答案) 人教新目标版学习目标1、会用单词nervous. shy. tired. terrible. friendly 造句2、掌握reading 中的新单词和词组学习重点1. Learn to use the expression of 虚拟语气2 . Master the structure of虚拟语气学习难点Difficulties: reading学习过程:(备注栏内请老师们补充复备情况,请同学们补充课堂笔记)流程及预见性问题学习要求和方法备注一、 明确目标1.Greetings and Lead-in:2. 会用单词nervous. shy. tired. terrible. friendly造句3.总结归纳本单元语法虚拟语气二、自主学习Task1: ( Part 1)1)能迅速写出并理解下列单词的含义,完成练习nervous . shy . tired terrible. friendly 2)完成part1练习理解下面这句话的含义:I feel nervous talking in front of many people Task 2:(Part 2)1. 掌握31页的单词。2在文中找出下列短语并翻译English speech contest. come top. let sb. down. be terrified of. come up with.solutions to ones problem. the rest of.三、合作探究1翻译下列句子1).Our classmates want her to represent the class in the school contest. 2)but you always come up with good solutions to peoples problem. 2虚拟语气复习1)概念:如果我们所说的不是事实,也不是要求、命令、劝告等,而只是一种假设、愿望、建议或是一种实现不了的空想就用虚拟语气。2)虚拟语气常用在条件句中,及其他一些从句中。注意:条件句分两种,真实条件句和虚拟条件句。只有在虚拟(非真实)条件句中,才用虚拟语气,而在真实条件句中,从自主中培养能力,在学习中获得乐趣同学们坐姿端正,认真聆听。根据课文内容思考左边的自主学习试题。流程及预见性问题学习要求和方法备注要用陈述语气。请比较: (1)If it is sunny tomorrow , well go to the zoo. 如果明天天气好,我们将会去公园。在这句话中,明天天气好是完全有可能实现的,并非虚拟、幻想,因此是真实条件句。在本句中,适用“主将从现。” (2)If I were you , I would go at once. (如果我是你的话,我立刻就走。)在这句话中,条件句,“如果我是你”,但事实上,我不可能成为你,这只是假设的情况,没有实现的可能。当条件实现的可能性很小,甚至可以说没有时,就需要用虚拟语气来表示,动词发生了变化。(3)初中阶段只要掌握表示与现在事实相反的情况”的虚拟语气请大家注意主句与条件从句中动词时态的变化。结 构:if引导虚拟语气的条件状语从 句,从句为非真实条件句,一般用过去时(动词过去式或were)主句用“should/ would/ could/ might动词原形”.四、展示提升Read the passage !五、过关检测( )1.What _ you do if you won plenty of money ? A. will B. shall C. would D. do( )2. If you _to bed earlier ,you would not be so sleepy in the morning . A) go B) went C) goes( )3 If I _you ,I_the present . A) Were ,would refuse B) are ,will refuse C) were ,will refuse ( )4.I dont know if it _tomorrow .If it _,I will stay at home .A) will rain ,rains B) rains , will rain C) will rain , will rain ( )5.In such a hot day , I would rather _at home than _out under the sun .A) to stay ,to go B) to stay , go C)stay , to go D) stay , go 只有不断总结与归纳,才会更系统更全面总结反思:我的目标_(完成/未完成)虚拟语气_(已经/还没)掌握2用心 爱心 专心
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