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An old man tried to move the mountains.【学习目标】1掌握并灵活运用本课的重点词汇.。2.学会讲故事【学习重点】1.培养听故事的能力。2.培养讲故事的能力。【自主学习】英汉互译:1. 把一切据为己有_ 2. 听任某人做某事_3. 把孩子们留在森林里饿死_ 4. 童话 _5. 欺骗国王_ 6. 听起来很蠢_7. 为国王做特别的衣服_ 8. 全家人_9. 在月光下_ 10. 迷路 _ = _11. 捡柴火 _ 12. 住在森林附近 _13. 沿路丢白石子_ 14. 醒来 _15. 计划/打算做某事_ 16. 找到出路_ 17. 面包做的房子_ 18. 改变计划_ 19. 把孩子丢在森林里_ 20. 引我们到那个村庄_ 21. 听到一位老妇人的声音_ 22. 穿着新衣服游行_【合作探究】1. fit的用法 1)作动词,a. “_” e.g. This dress doesnt fit me. Do you have a larger one? b. “_(接 for)” e.g. Her height fits her for basketball. 2)作形容词,a. “_” e.g. keep fit =_ / _ b. “_” e.g. The weather today is fit for fishing. 2. cheat作动词,意为a. _; b. _的意思。作名词,意为: _.3. all与whole的区别-主要是它们的词序不同,all放在限定词(冠词,指示代词,物主代词)之_,而whole放在限定词之_, 且whole只能修饰具有整体意义的名词。 1) 我的一生_ = _ 2) _ the people here have known the _ truth about the matter.4. shine (-_-_) 1) “发光,照耀” e.g. The sun shines bright in spring. _ 2) “出众,杰出(后接at/in)” e.g. He shines at golf. _ 另: shine还可作名词,意为 “光亮,光泽”, “阳光”一词为: _.5. bright的含义 1) 作adv. “明亮地” e.g 皓月当空。The moon _. 2) 作adj. a. “_” e.g. the bright / shining moon; What a bright day! b. “_” e.g. Our future is bright. c. “_” e.g. The boy is bright and ambitious(有抱负的).6. lead (-_-_)的常见意思有: a. _ (其名词为leader “领袖,领导人”);b. _(后接into / to / beside等) e.g. Mr. Li led me into the classroom. lead的常考搭配: 1) lead sb. to “_” e.g. The waiter _(引我到我的座位). 2) lead sb. to do sth. “_” e.g. Sometimes an ad can _ (导致你买; 使得你买) something you dont need at all. 3) lead to a. (道路等)通往 All roads lead to Rome. b. 导致,引起 Eating too much sugar can lead to health problems.4) lead the way “_” 5) lead a life = live a life “_” e.g. She led a hard life.7. voice / sound / noise 1) voice 指人的 “说话声,唱歌声”。 词组: in a high /loud low / weak / tired voice _ 2) sound 指自然界可听到的一切声音。 3) noise 指不悦耳的声音,如:噪音,吵闹声等。 词组:“吵闹,发出声音”_ 例题: 1) The _ from the church(教堂) sounds very beautiful. 2) When our English teacher sais “Class begins”, we all said in loud _, “Good morning, Teacher”. 3)-There was a phone call for you, Jim. -Who was it? -Ive no idea. But it was a girls _. 4) Let the children go away. They are making too much _ here. 5) There was a loud _ outside the classroom. The physics teacher had to raise his _, “Light travels much faster than _”.( ) At the foot of Wulian Mountains, you can hear the _ of running water.A. sound B. noise C. voice D. silence( ) Do you like the song You and Me? -Of course. It _ great.A. sounds B. looks C. smells( ) Oh, my god! The kids are making too much _ here. I cant do anything.A. sound B. voice C. noise D. footstep【课堂展示】先用所给词的正确形式完成下面三个故事,再看看谁能把它们讲出来。dress up, dangerous, in, give, late, marry, catch, retern, fit, sleepSleeping Beauty is about a princess who falls 1 for a long time under a spell by a wicked fairy. She is awakened by a princes kiss years 2 . Cinderella is about a young woman who is bullied by her stepmother and stepsisters. Using magic, her fairy godmother 3 her a beautiful dress and a carriage to attend a ball at the palace, but she must 4 home by midnight before the magic ends. Cinderella meets a handsome prince but has to leave the ball 5 a hurry and she loses a glass slipper.The prince finds it and tells everyone he will 6 the person to whom the slipper belongs. The stepsisters each try on the slipper but it does not fit them. Cinderella triese on the slipper and it 7 . She marries the prince and they live happily ever after.Little Red Riding Hood is about a young girl who meets with 8 when she meets a big, bad wolf. While she is on her way to visit her grandmother, the wolf 9 and pretends to be her grandmother waiting in her bed. The wolf hopes 10 and eat Little Red Riding Hood. She is saved by a woodcuter who kills the w
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