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Chapter 4 Numbers Reading一、 章节分析(Reading section )(一) 综述本单元的阅读部份是关于数字的几篇短文。对学生来说, 有些内容是熟悉的, 有些则是新鲜的。教师应充分利用学生的已有知识和兴趣来引导学生进行阅读。对于基数词和序数词,因为学生在小学和中预时已经学过,比较熟悉, 教师应通过对数字运算及数字游戏来加深同学对数词的印象,进而引入对加、减等较陌生数学符号的教学,由浅入深。本篇阅读中还出现了一些核心词汇如: amazing, be made up of 等,也是本篇的教学重点。本课的任务有两个:1 学生通过对课文的学习。掌握一些核心词汇,例如,amazing, be made up of等。2 通过学习课文,了解数, 能用英语讲述基本的数学运算。(二)阅读目标1 知识目标学习课文中重点词、词组、句型和语法。2 能力目标通过阅读进一步了解数字, 同时能掌握基数词,和序数词的用法。3 情感目标通过对数字、符号等学习,唤起同学对数学这门学科的浓厚兴趣。(三)教学方法采用任务型教学法组织教学,通过听说,讨论等具体活动,达到教学效果。(四)重点和难点1 词汇学习1) 核心词汇: accurate, amazing,angle, at least, be made up of,brain, calculate, calculator, consist of, develop, divide, electronic, especially, even, figure, following, human, invent, invention, odd, powerful, program, time, copy, decision, fellow, not at all拓展词汇:abacus , bead, calculation, compasses, decimal, fraction, lifetime, living, measure, multiply, percentage, protractor, represent, square root, subtract, announcement, gift, wrongly, graph 1) 句型学习1. Abacuses are so fast and accurate that people still use them today.2. Shakuntalas brain took fifty seconds to find the answer教学设计(Teaching Designs)教学内容教学实施建议教学资源参考Pre-reading 1)复习以前学过的数词,通过游戏使学生对数词有一个熟悉的过程链接1 PPT 2)通过brainstorm 和图片来引进一些加,减,等较难的单词,通过这些符号的学习加深对数词的学习,从而达到对本课的理解。 同时和平时的数学课联系向学生介绍 链接2 PPT 具体处理这部分内容的建议见链接1 链接2牛津英语教学参考While-reading 这是本课的重点部分.要求老师与学生一起走进数字世界.同时初步了解整篇课文的布局讲解课文: A. 通过图片引入单词链接3 PPTB接下来的环节是Further understanding of the text。 学生在这一环节里,可以用新的单词和句型来讲述文中的数字的形成、计算机和电脑。这个设计安排既可以回顾课文的主要内容,还可以看出学生的理解是否准确,很多精彩的智慧火花会在这一刻出现。链接4C讨论文章四段大意链接5D. 重点词汇及句式讲解链接6EConsolidation and conclusion 指导学生完成课文后的P50 Ex C1、C2,C3.Post-reading 同时推荐学生阅读补充材料:链接7链接1说明:对于Pre-reading 的PPT处理链接2说明:通过图片介绍数学符号和数学用具链接3说明:通过图片引入古代数字, 算盘, 计算机和电脑 链接4说明:课文讲解及重点句型的介绍。课文提问及重点句型的介绍1. According to the text ask the question:1. In what way, did people all count in the same way?2. what did people write in many different ways?3. Who invented the zero?4. Why was the zero a very important invention?5. Which is one of the first calculating machines?6. How do people describe the abacuses?7. Why do say computers are very powerful?8. Is a human brain more powerful than a computer? Why ?2. Change the following sentences1. This maths problem is too difficult to work out.2. The camera is too expensive for her to buy.3. Tony is old enough to go to school.4. The hole is too small for the dog to go into.5. These vegetables are fresh enough for us to like to eat.6. the schools is to far away for wei wei to go on foot.7. The music is to soft for him to hear.8. the bird is too high for us to see.3. Rewrite sentences 1. I spent two days doing this job.2. Tommy paid 25 yuan for this shirt.3. Sandy spent 135 dollar on this bicycle.4 The students of class Four spent two hours finishing their homework.5. Fangfang paid 100yuan for all of the books. 1. 链接5课文提文及重点句型课文讲解1 at least 意为“至少”,“无论如何;不管怎样”。如:He has waited for you at least 30 minutes.他等了你至少30分钟You might at least answer 你不管怎样该给个答复。At least 的反义词是at most(至多;最多)Language是名词,意为“语言”。 language 的搭配是speak a language。如:People in different countries speak different languages。不同国家的人说不同的语言。Language的常用搭配还有:An official language 官方语言 spoken/oral language口语The Chinese language 汉语 written language 书面语言2 In ancient times, people wrote numbers in many different ways, as these pictures of the number 6 show.古时候,人们以不同的方式书写数字,正如那些表示数字6的图片所示。Ancient 是形容词,意为“古代的”,“很久以前的”。又如:The ancient Chinese wore different clothes from the modern Chinese.中国古人与现代人穿的衣服完全不同。Ancient 的反义词是modern (a 现代的;现代化的)times 与time 不同,前者表示“某个时代”,而后者表示“时间”。如:In Shakespeares times, not many people could read.在莎士比亚时代,没有多少人认识字。Times 的近义词是age (n 时代)In ancient times 是“在古代”,“很久以前”的意思。我们也可以用long go, long, 或 once upon a time来表示“从前”或“很久以前”之意。本例中,as 是个介词,意为“正如”,“像一样”。又如:She works in the same building as my sister 她和我妹妹在同一大楼上班。3 However, they nearly all counted in the same wayin tens.然而,它们的计数方式都是一致的十进制。Nearly是个副词,表示“大约”,“接近”,“差不多”的意思。又如:Im nearly 16.its my birthday next week.我就快16岁了,下个礼拜是我生日。Almost 与nearly 意思相近,当与动词、副词、形容词及名词连用时,可互换,如:Its nearly lunchtime =its almost lunchtime。 快到午饭时间了。但Almost 可以和no 、none 、never 、nothing 等不定代词连用,而nearly 则不可;nearly 常用在含有not 的否定句中,而almost 则不可与not 单独连用。如:Theres almost no water left in the bottle.瓶子里水快没了。It is not nearly so pretty as it was before 这远不及以前漂亮了。4The system of numbers that nearly everyone uses today consists of the numbers from 1 to 9 and 0(zero).今天几乎所有人使用的数字系统都包含从1到9和0这十个数字。Consist of 是“包括”,“由组成”的意思。consist 没有被动舆台,因此不可以说成is consisted of。如:The class consists of 22boys and 18 girls.这个班级是由22个男生和18个女生组成的。Consist of 与be made up of意思相近。因此,上句也可改写为:The class is made up of 22boys and 18 girls.这个班级是由22个男生和18个女生组成的。5The Indians first invented and developed the 1 to 9 system of numbers.印度人最
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