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学习课题:Unit5 Section A (3a-4)第 2 课时累计 课时学习目标学习重点提高阅读能力、及用推测的语气来完成对话学习难点情态动词表推测学习过程:(备注栏内请老师们补充复备情况,请同学们补充课堂笔记)流程及预见性问题学习要求和方法备注一、明确目标:1. 掌握新词:drop,symphony,optometrist,appointmentcrucial,make up,final,anxious,worried,owner2. Reading practice二、自主学习请写出他们的中文意思。1. play the guitar_ 2. at an optometrist appointment _have an appointment with sb._ 3. make up 30% of the final exam_ 4. be/get/feel anxious about sth._ 5. because of +n. /doing sth. _ because +从句_请根据中文提示填空。1. 这本字典肯定是Jane的,上面有她的名字。 This dictionary_ be_. Here is her name.2. 那幅画可能是我父亲的。 That picture_ _to my father.3. 她整天因为考试忧虑。 She is _ the whole day_the tests.看看目标,新单词较多,请组内提前去学习。看书本36页,课前完成自主学习内容!看看有没有疑难短语和句子须标记的。三、合作探究1.Finish 3a,number the thank-you message2.Answer these questions:.Why is Linda so anxious?.Why does she really need her backpack?.How did she deal with her problem?.Where was Anna when Linda called her?.What does Linda want Anna to do?3. Find out the important new words from 3a and learn them4、 展示提升辨析:1.drop与fall 2.make up 3.anxiousbe anxious forabout为而担忧;为着急 4.because与because of五、过关检测 中考链接1.He had to retire(退休) early _ poor health.(2011扬州)A. as a resultB. Because C. so D. because of2. I have to well prepare for the math test tomorrow because it _ 30% of the final exam.(2011浙江杭州) A. sets upB. puts up C. uses upD. makes up3.What is your mother going to do this Saturday ?-Im mot sure . She _ go to see my grandmother .A. can B. must C. may4. -Is Lucy knocking at the door?(2008长沙中考)-No. It _ be Lucy. She is in Japan now.A. neednt B. must C. cant注意新单词,词组的学习。想想must,may,might,can,could来表达推测的用法,完成检测题。3用心 爱心 专心
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