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Unit 6 Bird watching教学目标1. To understand the meaning of the suffixes.2. To know how to form nouns for people by adding the suffixes.重点难点.Learn how to remember words adding the suffixes教学过程教师复备 Step 1 Revision用所给词的适当形式填空。1. The government had better _ (take) action _(prevent) air pollution.2.Binoculars can help you see _(clear).3.It takes hours_ (watch) the birds.4.Take a pair of sunglasses with you _(protect) your eyes.5.The gym is about 500 square metres in _(area).6.Many _(visit) come to Yancheng Nature Reserve to go birdwatching everyyear.7.There are _(speak) in each corner of the hall.8.Yi Jianlian is my favourite basketball _(play).9.Einstein was one of the greatest _(science) in history.Step 2 ExplanationExplain the meaning of suffixes. Tell the students that we can add -er, -or and -ist to some words to form nouns for people.Step 3 PracticeFinish the exercises on Page 77 and check the answers with the students together.Step 4 Language points1.make beautiful sounds 发出优美的声音2.at bird shows 在鸟展上3.birds in the pictures 画里的鸟4. include birds in their poems 把鸟写进他们的诗里5. part of our lives 我们生活的一部分Step 5 ExercisesStep 6 HomeworkRevise how to form nouns for people by adding -er, -or and -ist.教学 反思2
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