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Unit 2 Body language课题内容Unit 2 Body Language Reading1学习目标1. 认读和理解单词language, communication, gesture, bored, part 等。2. 运用略读策略,了解文章大致内容并通过人物的举止行为了解他们的性格。3. 意识到肢体语言在日常交际中的重要作用。学习重点根据上下文语境猜测生词的含义。学习难点在阅读对话类文章时能辨别不同的说话者和他们说的话,学法指导合作探究法、任务学习法一、预习案 I. Do you know what body language is? Whats the function(功能) of body language?_II.1. How does Harry look? _2. What is his problem? _3. Do you understand why? _4. What does he need to do? _III. Look at the pictures below and match them with the adjectives from the box. Write the wordsin the blanks. 列出疑惑:_二、探究案1、预习反馈:2、出示学习目标:探究点一:1.Do Exercise A and B on P18.2.归纳P17-18知识点。body language 肢体语言Whats wrong with? 怎么了?/除了什么毛病?take place 发生in the photo 在照片上look down 向下看,俯视look up 向上看,仰望sit up straight 端正坐着,坐直look happy 看起来高兴look bored 看起来厌烦look friendlier 看起来更友好探究点二: 1. Read the passages on P19. 2. Do Exercise C1 and C2 on P20.探究点三:Look at the article on page 19 quickly and identify the speakers.探究点四:Read the articles quickly, finish the questions.1. Does Debbie need to work at the travel company all day? _2. Who did the well- dressed woman choose, Debbie or Simon?_3. Why do many people go to Debbie for help?_4. Is the expression on your face part of the body language?_5. Did Simon decide to improve his body language?_探究点五:Listen to the radio and then discuss whether its important to have good body language or not.我的知识网络图三、训练案教与学的反思I. (基础题)Translate the following phrases into English.语言_ 交流n._ 接受_意义_ 手势_ 信息_表情_ 外貌_ 印象_握手_ 确定的_ 以后_II. (提高题)Read the article on P19 carefully and fill the blanks: Where did the story happen? at _ Who were the main characters in this story? _ _ _ What happened at the beginning of the story? Customers always _. Simon felt very unhappy. What happened in the middle of the story? Mr. Yang explained that Debbies _ made people _, while Simon didnt _. Simon _ his body language. What happened at the end of the story? When Mr. Yang congratulated Simon because he _ a female customer, Simon revealed that the girl was _. 教与学的反思4
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