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Lesson 33 Lets Go to the Zoo学习目标1.掌握重点词汇、短语和句型zoo,lion,tiger,elephant,monkey,lonely,dreamThe elephant/monkey/lion is dreaming/eating/sleeping 2.继续学习现在进行时态。 3.关心他人,积极参与,大胆展示,享受学习的快乐。学习重点zoo,lion,tiger,elephant,monkey,lonely,dream重点句型:The elephant/monkey/lion is dreaming/eating/sleeping学习难点重点句型:The elephant/monkey/lion is dreaming/eating/sleeping知识准备Study the words and preview the text 学习流程Step1. Review and learn the new.Do you like animals? Whats you favourite animal? Today lets go to the zoo to have a look.Step2. Dispel suspicion using mutual help. 1.Teach the new words.2.Play the tape for the students to listen and finish Ex1 in Let Do It. . Then check the answers.3.Get the students to read the text in groups and find the answers in Ex2 in Let Do It.4.Teaching important points: a. 找出课文中所有运用现在进行时的句子,并归纳其一般疑问句及回答。b. Lets go to the zoo.本句为lets引导的句子,思考一下:lets后跟_。c. dream:dream of/about sb/sth./doing sth. 梦见某人/某物/做某事。E.g.:We dream of/about our English teacher.试着翻译一下:我梦见了我的妈妈。_.许多学生梦想成为教师。 。d. He looks lonely.lonely 是形容词,意为:孤独的;寂寞的。可放在系动词后作表语,也可放在名词前作定语。如:I am lonely. She is a lonely woman.e. They are making noises.它们正在吵闹。Make noises 意为:吵闹,发出嘈杂声。 Noise 此处为可数名词,意为:响声;噪音。其形容词为noisy,副词为noisily.f. Maybe he is missing the forest.句子中的miss 意为:想念。试着翻译一下:我想念我的妈妈。 。miss 还可以为 。如 I will miss the bus.5.Finish part3 in Lets Do It.Step3.sumarry and reflection当堂训练:Work in pairs. Ask like this:A: Whats the tiger doing?B:A:What is the monkeys doing?B:Do 1,3,5,8 in Ex3 and 1,3 in Ex 4 in WB,Lesson 33.课后反思2
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