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甘肃省武威市第十七中学2017-2018学年八年级英语下学期期中试题 听力部分(20分)A) 听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。每个句子读两遍。(5分)( )1. A. mouth B. mouse C. month ( )2. A. 8:05 B. 8:55 C. 7:55( )3. A. ducks B. giraffes C. geese( )4. A. Bears are afraid. B. Bears are strong. C. Lucy is scared of bears.( )5. A. Jack will leave Beijing tomorrow. B. Jack will get to Beijing tomorrow. C. Jack will live in Beijing.B) 听句子,选择最佳答语。每个句子读两遍。(5分)( ) 6. A. Good idea! B. Well done! C. Youre welcome.( ) 7. A. Yes, I will. B. Sorry, I wont. C. It doesnt matter.( ) 8. A. That all right. B. Sure, Id love to. C. Well done.( ) 9. A. Youre welcome. B. It doesnt matter. C. Youre great.( )10. A. Oh, dear. B. Of course not. C. That nice.C) 听对话及问题,选出最佳答案。每段对话读两遍。(5分)( )11. Which animal is mentioned in the conversation? _ A. The tiger. B. The cow. C. The monkey.( )12. What is the man going to do? _ A. He is going to go horse riding. B. He is going to make a speech. C. He is going to go fishing.( )13. How does the man go to work these days? _ A. By car. B. By taxi. C. By bike.( )14. What does the man mean? _ A. He likes his job. B. He hates his job. C. He often loses jobs.( )15. What is the relationship between the speakers? _ A. Husband and wife. B. Teacher and student. C. Classmates. D) 听短文,选出最佳选项。短文读两遍。(5分)( )16. Why did the man want to throw his wifes cat away _.A. Because its his wifes cat. B. Because he hated it. C. Because it ate too much.( )17. Where did the man put the cat for the first time?_.A. In a zoo. B. In his driveway. C. In a park.( )18. What did the cat do every time the man put it out of his house? _.A. It got lost again and again. B. It could not get back home. C. It could find its home.( )19. Who couldnt find the home in the end? _.A. The man. B. The cat. C. The mans wife.( )20. What kind of story do you think it is? _.A. Sad B. Boring C. Funny笔试部分 (100分)一、词汇:根据汉语及首字母提示完成句子。 (10分)1. Li Ming, help y_ to some fish.2. Children liked to play on the _(秋千) in the past.3. The _(老鼠)didnt see the cat nearby. It ran out the cave and was caught by the cat.4. I was on vacation last week and I didnt _(接收,收到)your letter.5. Put a little water in the _(底部)of the hole.二、语法与情景对话: (20分)( )1. Li Ming likes playing _basketball, but his sister likes playing _ piano.A.the, /B.the, a C./, the D.a, the ( )2. Eating vegetables makes us _. A. healthy B. health C. healthly D. healthily( )3. Neither he nor I _ a singer. We _ both players. A. be, be B. am, are C. are, is D. is, are( )4. -Whats the weather like today? - _. A. Twenty degrees. B. Its rainy. C. Its Monday. D. It spring.( )5. The girl is _ going out at night. A. scared B. scared of C. scared to D. scare of( )6. Mary helped me _ my English homework yesterday.A.to B. and C. with D. about ( )7. _ weather it is today! Wed better stay at home.A.What hotB.How hotC.What a hotD.How a hot ( )8.-How about _after school ? -Good idea!A. go shop B.go to shop C.going to shopping D.going shopping ( )9. We know the sun _ in the east and _ in the west.A.rise, setB.rises, sets C.to rise, to set D. rising, setting( )10. Illstay at home with my mother tomorrow if it _. A.rainB.rains C.will rain D.rained ( )11. Im busy now. I have _ to do.A. anything else B. something importantC. importantanything D. important something( )12. -Whats the _? - Its 15 degrees.A.weather B. time C. date D. temperature( )13. My parents often tells me _ too much junk food. Its bad for my health.A. not to eat B. dont eat C. not eat D. no eat( )14. I saw many boys _ soccer when I passed the playground. A. plays B. playing C. to play D. played ( )15. Class is over. The students come out of the classroom _. A. one by one B. first by first C. one with one D. first with first( )16. We have fun _ English this term.A. learning B. to learn C. learn D. to learning
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