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Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball听力部分(20分)一、听录音,选出句中包含的信息(每小题1分,共5分)1. A. soccer B. basketball C. tennis 2. A. let B. have C. watch3. A. play sports B. watch TV C. play volleyball 4. A. baseball bat B. sports collection C. tennis racket5. A. five baseballs B. eight basketballs C. four tennis balls二、听录音,选择恰当的答语(每小题1分,共5分)6. A.Yes, I do. B. Yes, he does. C. No, she doesnt.7. A. A baseball. B. On the desk. C. Sounds great. 8. A. Jim. B. Yes, it is. C. Yes, I do.9. A. Its in his room. BTheyre on the desk. CIts interesting.10. A. I am a boy. B. Im in Class Four. C. That sounds good.三、听对话,判断句子正(T)误(F)(每小题1分,共5分)11. Mary is a girl. 12. Mary has a ping-pong ball. 13. Mary has a ping-pong hat.14. Jim doesnt have a ping-pong bat. 15. They can play ping-pong.四、听短文,填空(每小题1分,共5分)16. My friends name _. 17. He likes _18. He has three _ 19. He plays sports with his _ after class.20. He watches sports on _ .笔试部分(100分)I. 单项选择(15分)1. -Can Sonia play _baseball? -Yes, she can. A. the B. a C. an D. /2. His father _ have a ball. A. doesnt B. dont C. isnt D. arent3. They _ have a mobile phone (手机). A. isnt B. arent C. dont D. doesnt4. Peters father often watches basketball games _ TV. A. in B. on C. at D. for5. -Do you play sports every day? -No, its _. A. fun B. good C. boring D. interesting6. English is_but_.A.boring; difficult B.difficult; interestingC.good; nice D.many; more7. He _ baseball. A. dont play B. doesnt plays C. doesnt play D. dont plays8. He likes watching sports games, _ he _ play them. A. and; doesnt B. but; dont C. but; doesnt D. and; dont9. -Lets play computer games. -_A. That sounds interesting B. I dont have time C. Yes, I am busy (忙碌的) D. No, I dont10. -Does he have a table? -_ A. Yes, he have B. No, he do C. Yes, he does D. No, she dont11. He_TV every night. A. look at B. watch C. watches D. looks12. I dont think basketball is easy. Its _.A. difficult B. not difficult C. good D. easy13. I _ English very much. But she _ like English. She likes Chinese. A. like; doesnt B. likes; doesC. like; dont D. likes; doesnt14. Lets _TV at home. A. watches B. watch C. to watch D. watching15. -_ she have a soccer ball? -No, she _.A. Is; isnt B. Does; doesnt C. Does; isnt D. Is; doesntII. 完形填空(20分) Look at this photo. This boy is l good friend. He is 2 English boy. 3 name is Mike. 4 thirteen. This boy is me. My 5 is Li Lei. 6 Chinese. Im fourteen. Mike 7 a great sports collection. He has _ 8 tennis racket, three basketballs, and five baseballs, but I only 9 a soccer ball. Mike and I 10 _ sports every day.1. A. I B. you C. me D. my 2. A. from B. an C. the D. to3. A. Her B. He C. His D. Hes 4. A. Hes B. His C. He D. My5. A. am B. name C. friend D. photo 6. A. Im B. Hes C. From D. I have7. A. have B. has C. doesnt have D. does 8. A. a B. many C. great D. more9. A. has B. have C. doesnt have D. dont have 10. A. plays B. play C. playing D. to play Sally is 1_ English girl. She is 13. She 2_ two brothers. They 3_ Dave and Paul. They like 4 _. Sally 5_ ping-pong. Dave likes 6_, too. 7_ Paul doesnt like ping-pong. He likes basketball. He 8_ two basketballs, a tennis bat, a soccer ball and a baseball. After school Sally and Dave 9_ ping-pong. And Paul plays basketball 10_ his friends.1. A. a B. an C. the D. / 2. A. have B. has C. is D. does3. A. are B. is C. am D. be 4. A. play B. plays C. sports D. a sports 5. A.likes B.like C.play D.playing 6. A. basketball B. volleyball C. ping-pong D. baseball7. A. Because B. But C. Or D. So 8. A. have B. has C. play D. plays9. A. do B. does C. play D. plays 10. A. at B. in C. with D. ofIII阅读理解。( 30分)A This is my brother, Mike. He plays soccer every day. He has two volleyballs. He has three basketballs and five soccer balls. He watches volleyball, basketball and soccer on TV. He plays sports every day(每天). I am Tom. I have only one basketball, two ping-pong bats and some ping-pong balls. I dont play basketball every day. I play ping-pong every afternoon.1. Mike is Toms _. A. cousin B. friend C. brother D. sister2. Mike has _ basketballs. A. five B. fourC. three D. two
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