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Module 2 Great booksUnit 1 Confucius works are read by many people课型:听说课一、教学目标知识目标:1. 掌握5个词汇(work(s), influence, respect, wise, literature)和3个词组(as far as, notany more, , millions of), 并理解thinker & monthly。2. 体验一般现在时的被动语态的语意和构成。3. 通过词汇和语法的学习,能理解对话内容,对本模块的话题Great books有初步了解。技能目标:1. 听:通过听录音,能够将所给单词与图片进行匹配,听懂含有一般现在时被动语态的句子,能够听懂关于校刊栏目Great books的对话大意。2. 说:通过模仿本单元的句子,能够说出像“Were still influenced by Confucius thoughts.” “Shakespeares plays are seen by millions of people every year.”这样的句式,并就所给的两部伟大的戏剧、两首诗、两位睿智的思想家、两位重要的作家、两个著名的故事五项中其中的一项说出自己的见解。3读:通过跟读模仿正确的语音、语调,在正确熟练地朗读中体验、感知并理解对话内容。来源:学科网二、教学重难点:重 点1 As far as I remember, it was started by Becky Wang.2 Confucius works are still read by many people today ,and we are still influenced by his thoughts.3 Mark Twain was a important writer ,but he isnt known as a great thinker like Confucius .4 Perhaps thats what makes “Great Books”-theyre still read today。难 点一般现在时的被动语态教学过程:一、课前朗读二、导入新课标题导入。“Recently Ive read a great book called Romeo and Juliet. Im deeply moved by it. Have you ever read some great books?” 随即将第2模块的标题 “Great books”呈现在黑板上,鼓励学生说出他们读过的名著。三、听力训练1. 展示三幅图片,问“Who are they? Do you know something about them? Try to use the words in the table to help you.”,学生们两人一组描述图片,then listen and check your answer to Activity 1.2. 读前听:听对话并回答问题:What is Mark Twin famous as?What is Betty doing in the library?3、听对话,完成课本Activity 4内容。Play the recording again and have them answer this question individually in Activity 4. Have them check their answers with a partner4、 引导学生找出对话中的语言点。1) As far as I remember, it was started by Becky Wang.凭我记忆,它(这本杂志)是由贝基.王创办的.as far as.表示“至于,就.”.如:He isnt coming today ,as far as I know .据我所知,他今天不来了.2 )Confucius works are still read by many people today ,and we are still influenced by his thoughts.今天,仍然有许多人在读孔子的论著,我们也仍然受他思想的影响.Confucius 指孔子,是“孔夫子”的英语译名.由于历史的原因,中国古代思想家孔子和孟子(Mencius,也是从“孟夫子”翻译而来的)的英语译名一般不使用拼音直接翻译.现在,大多数我国特有的名称等都取汉语拼音的翻译的方法.3) Mark Twain was a important writer ,but he isnt known as a great thinker like Confucius .马克.吐温是一位重要的作家,但他并不像孔子那样作为伟大的思想家而文明于世.be known as. 表示以.知名/闻名.如:Yang Liping is know as a great dancer.杨丽萍是公认的出色的舞蹈家.4) Perhaps thats what makes “Great Books”-theyre still read today .也许,这正是入选“名著欣赏”的关键-它们至今仍被广泛阅读.在该句中,make+宾语+adj.的表示“致使/使/导致.怎么样”。如: The words made her popular with the students.那些话使她在学生中很受欢迎.Eating the bad bananas made them ill.吃这些坏的香蕉使他们生病了。5. 跟读。四、说的训练1.分角色朗读对话。先让两位同学分角色朗读,再让学生自己熟读对话,为后面说的练习打好基础。在朗读后,为了帮助学生进一步理解并运用新词汇,体验一般现在时的被动语态,要求学生用本课所学的词汇完成下列短文。Lu Xun is known as an excellent writer in the history of Chinese literature. He wrote a lot of articles, essays and novels. Kong Yiji is one of his most famous works. Lu Xun hasnt got a strong body, but he is very wise. He uses his pen as a weapon to fight enemies and never afraid of them. So he is respected by many people and even now people are influenced by his works and thoughts. ple and even now people are influenced by his works and thoughts. 来源:学|科|网2.小组活动。通过听和读我们达到了语言输入和捕捉信息的目的,为了达到语言输出的目的,学生们通过进行小组活动,在Activity 6的5个题目中选出一个,进行讨论。为了提高教学的时效性,可以采取一人说,其他三人记录的形式,大家轮流发言,每组选一人在全班展示,提示学生在交流中尽可能用到含有被动语态的句子,比如:Name of them He/Its calledWho/Where Its written byWhich books His thoughts are mainly found Why Its still read ./Theyre still talked让学生在实际运用中更深入地去了解和体验被动语态。3组织辩论。Activity 8 是有关茶馆、唐诗和文学名著的话题,以小组为单位,学生们任意选择一个话题进行讨论,确定他们对这次话题的意见,是赞同还是反对,然后进行自由辩论。考虑到时间问题,重点讨论唐诗这个话题,因为在日常的学习中经常会有学生认为背唐诗很枯燥,背过之后还会遗忘,有这个时间还不如做几道数学题,所以,为了使学生们对祖国文化有更深刻,着重就这个话题发表观点,同时,引导学生使用一般现在时的被动语态。 来源:学|科|网五、summary.经过两年的学习,初三的学生已经具备了自己提炼出本节课的重难点的能力,所以,采取我们经常使用的方法之一,学生们写下在这一单元中所学到的,包括词汇、语法、自己对所讨论题目的见解等,以小组的形式互相交流,查缺补漏,有问题的及时解决。来源:Zxxk.Com六Homework:1) 复习所学词汇和日常用语。2)预习:查找关于马克吐温的作品的相关资料。3)完成Workbook (3)学以致用:一、在课文中找出与下列汉语相对应的短语。1.就来说, 至于 2. 听起来像3. 文学 4. 影响来源:Zxxk.Com5. 数百万6. 以而著名; 闻名于7. 其实, 事实上二、自学单词尝试填空。1. Whats u_?2. I was looking for some old c_ of the school magazine.3. Id like a m_ article called “Great Books”.4. Confucius was a great t_.5. We are still i_ by Confucius thoughts.来源:Zxxk.Com6. The Tang Poems are great w_ of Chinese literature.7. He is a w_ man. We all admire him.三、用所给词的适当形式填空。.1. Im thinking about _(start) it again.2. As far as I remember, New Standard _(start) by Becky Wang.3. Confucius works _(read) by many people.4. If Ive got it right, it _(call) New Standard.5. Shakespeares plays _(see) by millions of people every year.6. It _(sound) like a good idea.7. Why dont you _(write) the first article on “Great Books”?来源:学科网四、单项选择。1. English _ in Canada. A.
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