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Unit 1 Whats the matter? (Period 1)【学习目标】1.简单谈论健康问题。2.为健康问题给出简单建议。【重点难点】1. 正确使用have +(a) +病情 结构谈论健康问题2. 使用should提建议。【温故而知新】1. 你知道那些表示身体部位的单词?你会读他们吗?想一想,查查字典,比比谁写的多?head_ _【自学探究】课前预习1预习section A1a-2d,英汉互译以下词组及句子。 1)你怎么了?_ 2)我感冒了。_3)我胃疼。_ 4)我背疼。_ 5) 她嗓子很疼。_ 6)可能你发烧了。_ 7)你应该躺下休息。_ 8)你应该量一下体温。_9)你应该喝一些加蜂蜜的热茶。 _10)那可能就是原因。_11)你需要离开电脑休息一下。_3通过预习,你了解了多少种表示身体健康问题的表达方法?feel sick, have a sore throat _4. 你能总结出课本上为病情提建议的句子吗?例:You should lie down and rest.Should 是_动词,其后要用动词的_形式。【课堂研讨】1. Listen to 1b three times and finish the chart.NameProblemReason2.Questions for 2d Q1 Whats the matter with Lisa?Q2 What did she do on the weekend?Q3 Why does she have a headache and cant move her neck?Q4.Can you give her some advice?【学以致用】I. 选用方框中的单词并用其适当形式填空。sore, cough, rest, back, matter 1. Nancy _ all night, so she looked tired this morning. 2. Miss Yang has a _ throat, so she cant talk more. 3. Sit down and_ your legs. 4. I saw many reporters walking around your house. Whats the ? 5. A small boy rode on the elephants _.II. 根据汉语意思完成下列句子,每空一词。 1. 你怎么了? _ _ with you? 2. You may have a fever. You should_ _ _ (量体温). 3. 我喜欢从工作之中抽出时间来休息,出去散步。I like to _ _ from work and go out for a walk. 4. 那位老人昨天在医院拍了个X光照片。The old man _ _ _in the hospital yesterday. 5. You _ _ _ (胃疼) so you shouldnt eat too much for a meal. 6. Put on your warm clothes, or you may _ _ _ (感冒). 7. 就躺下休息一会儿吧。Just _ _ and have a rest. 8. 他病得很厉害,今天无法上学。He was _ ill _ he couldnt go to school today 9. 你今天上午去看医生了吗?Did you _ _ _ _ this morning?10. 我好像发烧了。It seems that I _ _ _.【反思】3
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