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山东省胶南市博文中学八年级英语下册Unit 6复习练习题(无答案) 外研版一、单项选择.1. - _ did you start riding? -_ I was 8 years old.A. When, Since B. How long, Since C. When, When D. When, From2. We are running _ paper. A.out of B.out C.outside D.out to3. When I see the old pictures, I will _ my old friends. A. think about B. think of C. think over D. talk to 4. China is a country _a long history. A.in B. to C.for D.with5. About threepeople came to visit Mount Tai yesterday.A.thousand B.thousands C.thousand of D.thousands of6. -How long have you been studying Japanese? -Ive been studying Japanese _.A.since three years B.after three year C.three years ago D.for three years7. When _ Li Ming _ his homework? At 10:00 last night. A. did, finish B. does, finish C. have, finished D. was, finished 8. Jack _ stamps since he was nine years old and now he has hundreds of them. A. was collecting B. has been collecting C. has collected D. collected9. _ they get more money, _ they still live a poor life. A. Although, but B. Though, but C. Although, / D. / , though10. My uncle has been teaching in the school _ he was 20 years old. A. since B. for C. until D. after11. He stayed there for _ days. A. few B. many of C. several D. little12. He worked in the country for _.A. one and a half month B. one month and a half C. one and a half months13. Oh, there is enough _ for us in the lift. - No hurry. Lets wait for the next. A. ground B. floor C. place D. room14. This is an _ shell, and he is _ in it. A. interesting, interesting B. interested, interested C. interesting, interested15. It _ for the whole three days. Its very wet here and there. A. is raining B. rained C. has been raining D. rains16. I know nothing about it, Please ask _. A. someone else B. else someone C. anyone else D. else anyone17. You look so tired, Celia! Yes. I volleyball the whole afternoon. A. play B. am playing C. have been playing D. will play18. They have been doing morning exercises they up. A. since, got B. for, get C. since, get D. for, got 19. Could I borrow some money from you, Mom? I mine. Sure. Here you are. A. have run out of B. ran out of C. have ran out of D. run out of20. did you play the piano today? For five hours. A. When B. How long C. How often D. How soon21. Thank you me the snow globe the monster. A. to send, of B. for sending, of C. sent, from D. to sends, from22. When did you today? At 8:00. A. started reading B. started read C. start reading D. start read23. you practice, you can play the violin. A. The more, the well B. The more, the more well C. The more, the better D. More, well24. My football shoes are worn out. Mom will buy a new for me tomorrow. A. pair B. one C. ones D. piece25. Jims class is organizing a talent show to money for charity. A. make B. save C. store D. raise26. I think _ useful to learn English well. A. that B. what C. it D. them27. The math exam was quite easy. I think could pass it. A. anyone B. someone C. nobody D. everything28. Miss Wang _ a teacher for ten years and _ in this school for ten years. A. has become , has taught B. has been, had taught C. has been , has been teaching D. has become, has been teaching29. _ depressed he got, _ he turned to drink. A. More, better B. The most, the best C. The much, the better D. The more, the more30. _ sports you have, _ you will be. A. The much, the healthy B. The more, the healthier C. The many, the healthiest D. The most, the healthier二综合填空。 A。用方框中所给词的适当形式填空。sleep, learn, send, read, be, teach, swim, twelve1. Mr Wang _ in this school for twenty years.2. They _ in the river since two hours ago.3. Thanks for _ me an interesting book on my _ birthday.4. My fathers hobby is _.5. I started _ Japanese two years ago.6. My brother _ when I came back home.7. He _ a student for ten years.B. 短文填空。从方框中选择合适的单词填空。hundred, later, kids, adults, better, went, them, more, first, toysMany people invented(发明)toys. Most of them were _1_
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