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Unit 7 Its raining Section A (1a2c)一学习目标:1.学会询问和描述天气2.复习现在进行时态3.听力技巧:利用缩写、关键词练习听力二自学指导(一)1.根据下列天气符号,猜测天气 _ _ _ _ _2.1b 听力技巧指导(1)听力过程中,只在1a方框中写出所听到地名的首字母或单词的缩略形式,听力结束后再补充完整。例如:Beijing _Bj_(2)听力过程中,注意根据语音语调的不同和听力提示语区分人物三合作探究(一)1. Pairwork 1cA: How is the weather in Beijing/Shanghai/Shenyang?或 -Whats the weather like in Guangzhou?B: Its 根据上述对话练习,试总结询问天气的句型_?自学指导(二)Listening 2a-2b听力技巧指导注意听力中不同人名的出现,如Uncle Joe、Jeff、Mary、Aunt Sally.合作探究(二)Pairwork2cA: How is the weather? /Whats the weather like ?B: ItsA: What be doing now? B: be 四总结提升 Hello, everyone. I am a weather reporter.Look! Its snowing in Haerbin, children are making a snowman. Shanghai is _ , people are_ at home. It is _ in Hangzhou, Students are_ . Guangzhou is _ ,boys are_ .Thats all. See you tomorrow. Thank you! 五、当堂训练用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空1.Its _ (sun) today, but its_ (wind)2.-Look, what _they _? (do)-They_ (play) tennis.3Whats the weather like?(同义句转换) _ _ the weather?4Is it _(rain) now?5. What _ you _ (do)now?二判断正误1. -Whats the weather like today? -It is cloud .2.-How is the weather like today? -Its raining.3.-What are they doing? -They read newspapers2
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