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What were you doing at this time yesterday?一、单项选择( )1. She _ a museum with her friends at this time yesterday. A. is visitingB. was visiting C. visited 考点发现:_( )2. Which team _ the match, Team Three or Team Four? Team Three _ Team Four. A. won; won B. beat; won C. won; beat 考点发现:_( )3. I think classical music is pleasant. _ I think its boring. A. I agree. B. I think so. C. I dont agree.( )4.She is _ small _ to school. A. too; to goB. too; go C. so; to go 考点发现:_ ( )4. The old man died _ a cold snowy night. A. in B. on C. at考点发现:_( )6. Look! The girl is playing with a snake. How _ she is!A. braveB. happyC. strong 考点发现:_( )7. I rang you up yesterday, but _ answered it. A. somebody B. no one C. anybody考点发现:_( )8. Lily _ computer games from nine to ten last night. A. were playing B. was playing C. is playing考点发现:_( )9. I called you _ the museum but you werent in. A. to visit B. visiting C. visit.考点发现:_( )10. Tom stopped _TV because he had to do his homework. A. watching B. to watch C. watch考点发现:_( )11 Its 9:50 now. Lets have a _ break. A. ten minutes B. ten-minute C. ten-minutes考点发现:_二、情景交际根据对话内容,在下面对话的空白处填写一个完整的句子,使对话意思完整、通顺。A:Where did you go last night? I called you but nobody answered.B:Oh. (1)_A:At about half past eight. (2)_B:I was watching a movie with my parents.A:A movie? (3)_B:The Lord of the Rings.(指环王)A:(4)_B:It is so wonderful. The music is sweet and pleasant.A:Yes, (5) _. I saw that movie on TV, and I like it very much, too. 三阅读下面短文,根据中文、首字母和语境的提示,在每个空格内填入一个适当的单词,要求所填的单词意义准确,拼写正确。Dr. Smith was very poor when he was young. He had to 1)_newspapers from door to door to make money for his school things.It was a 2)_(下雪的)winter afternoon and he had only ten coins left. He felt very cold and(3) h_, but there was nothing to eat. “Newspaper, newspaper!” The little boy cried. But no one answered him. He stopped in front of a door and knocked at it,“Would you like to buy (4)_, madam?” he asked the woman when she opened the door.“Oh, we dont need (5)_newspapers. Thanks!” the woman answered. “Could you please give me a glass of water!” the boy keeping asking. The woman looked at the boy(6)_(仔细地)and then said,”Come in,please!” She gave the boy some bread and a glass of (7)_ .The boy had them in a minute and then said in a low (8)v_,” I only have newspapers. How much should I pay you?” “My mother teaches me that I would never get money for any kindness ,”so you(9)n_pay at all. Twenty years later, Dr. Smith had a lot of money. He went back to his hometown and visited the woman again . Before he left, He gave her a check of $10,000 . And there were also some words(10)_it: for bread and a glass of milk.四、汉译英1.请稍等。_2.昨天这个时候他正在做什么?_3.我认为他很勇敢。_4.昨天从6点到9点她是在做作业吗?。_5.我同意你的看法。_ 3
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