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总第10课时 Checkout, Unit One Teaching Objects:1. Review howto use prepositions of place to identify specific locations of things.2. Review how to name the furnitures.3. Review how to use numbers. Teaching procedureTeaching steps:Step 1 Daily reportStep 2 Review the prepsin front of/ between/ next to/ between/ opposite/ above/ at/ behind/ below/ beside/ in/ inside/ next to/ on/ outside/ over/ under1) Ask Ss to use preps to tell where they sit in the classroom and ask several Ss to describe others seats.2) Finish part A on page 193) Ask Ss to put all the things into the right places and describe their ideal roomsStep 3 Review cardinal numbers and ordinal numbers1) Ask students to say their student numbers/ telephone numbers/birthdays/the dates of festivals (Mothers Day/Thanksgiving Day) 2) Ask Ss to write both cardinal numbers and ordinal numbers from 1 to 29Finish part B on page 19Step 4 Review dream home1) Ask Ss to match the things with the correct rooms.2) Ask Ss to tell both their real homes and dream homes3) Give Ss some hints to write a new passage about dream home.Step 5 A test in class(第一单元课堂测试十)Test for Period Ten, Unit One班级_ 学号_ 姓名_ 评价_A. 用适当的介词填空1. The American lady lives_a large flat_Washton D.C.2. Young girls like chatting_friends on the Internet.3. The Christmas party is_the evening of December 24th.4. My brother often reads newspapers_breakfast.5. There is a house_the lake.6. Do you live_the center_the town.7. Her mother and she are shopping_a busy street.8. Welcome_our city.9. The party is_six_the afternoon.10. Hainan Island is a good place to go_summer.B. 完成句子(每格一词)1. 西蒙在三楼有一个电脑房。Simon_a_room_the_floor.2. “你有自己的房间吗?”“不,我和我的双胞胎姐姐两人一房间。”“_you have your_room?”“No,I_a room_my twin sister.”3. 在安迪的家里,二楼没有其他的房间了。There are_ _rooms_the_in Andys_home.4. 请把书放在书架上。Please_the book_the_.5. 他住在第八层楼。He_ _the_floor.Step 6 Homework一、To review what they have learnt in this Unit. 二、Remember the new words and phrases.三、Do exercises on Learning English(Test for Unit 1)教学反思:附:预习学案Unit 1 Checkout课前自主学习从所学的句子中找出带有方位介词的词组,看谁找的多,看谁找得全,睁大你明亮的眼睛开始寻宝吧。看看下面的句子,有没有似曾相识的感觉?1.Are there any flowers_the teachers desk? Yes,there are.2.Their shoes are_the bed.3.Millie is_ _ _ the gate.4.Lily is _the tree.5.Andy is_Peter and Nick.6.There is a big tree _the caf.7.Is there a picture_the wall?8.There are some boats_the lake.9.The dog is_ _ _ _the river.10.Whats _ _ _ _the park?There are some boats.体验与实践1)预习情况交流一 同学们!是不是很轻松地就找全了所学的方位介词词组?很有成就感吧?试试翻译下面的词组吧。1在咖啡馆附近2.在盒子之间3.在花后面4在湖上5.在一楼6.在讲台上7.在 中间8.在树上9.在大门前10.在A楼 11.在教室中间12.在黑板上2). 重点热点点击1文中的put是作为动词put的过去式,表示Andy在过去做的2. 序数词用来表示顺序,序数词在句中可作主语,宾语,定语和表语。 Fe.The second is the best. (主)He likes the third.( 宾)找出下列句中的错误并改正(1).He lives on the twelveth floor.(2).The teacher puts his book on the desk yesterday.(3).We will have a party in the afternoon of December 9th.(4).The teacher is in the front of the class.(5).He came nineth in the Maths exam.
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