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Unit 4 Wheres my schoolbag?【学习目标】 课标要求:1、掌握本课单词及短语。2、能准确描述物品所在的位置。目标达成:1、 运用方位介词in,on,under,behind 2、 运用wheres ?/where are 及其答语.3、 引导学生复习方位介词并介绍自己的房间,形成方位感知。学习流程: 【课前展示】翻译下列词汇。1.桌子_2.床_3.梳妆台_4.书橱;书柜_5.沙发_ 6.椅子_ 7.抽屉_8.植物_9.(疑问副词)在哪里_10. 在下_11.在上_12.在里面_ _13.在后面_ _14.他(她,它)们_【创境激趣】根据汉语意思连词成句。1.我的尺子在课桌上。on, desk, the, my, is, ruler_. 2.那只棒球在双肩背包里。 Backpack, the, in the, baseball, is _. 3.那只钢笔在书的下面。 under, pen, the, book, the is _.【自学导航】 熟悉掌握本课12个单词。 1.自读并记忆单词2分钟小组相互提问。2.展示交流,小组竞赛翻译出下列词组。 拿走;带到_ 东西,物_ 妈妈_ 能,可以,会_ 拿来,取来,带来_ 一些,若干_ 需要_ 地板,地面 _ 房间_ 电视,电视机_ 书桌,课桌_ 【合作探究】 一、单项选择。( )1There is a window _ the wallAon Bin Cat D. under( )2Please take the book _ the classroom. Ato Bin Con Dat( )3一Jim,please _ my backpack here一OK Atake Bput Cbring Dgive( )4I have a baseballIts _ the bookcase _ the desk. Afrom to Bbetween to Cin on Dbetween and( )5My mother buys(买)me a new computerIts _ Abehind the wall Bon the desk Cin the bookcase Dunder the bed二完形填空 Its 8:00. My 1 are in the room. My parents are on the 2 . My uncle is on the 3 .His jacket is black. His 4 is John. He is my fathers brother. Look! A red 5 is under his chair. Ah, its not a hat. Its a clock. Bill is 6 the floor. He is my 7 . He is Uncle Johns son. Lucy and I 8 on the bed. Lucy is Uncle Johns 9 . She is my cousin, too(也). Alice is at the table. She is my 10 . She is Lucy and Bills mother.()1. A.telephones B. things C. family D. photos()2. A. desk B. sofa C. bookcase D. drawer()3 A. bed B. chair C. desk D. table ()4. A. number B. card C. case D. name ()5. A. clock B. hat C. watch D. baseball()6. A. in B. on C. under D. of()7. A. brother B. grandfather C. cousin D. father()8 A. am B. is C. are D. do()9. A. son B. mother C. daughter D. uncle()10 A. grandmother B. aunt C. friend D. parent【展示提升】 典例分析 知识迁移小组合作,翻译短文。 taketo_ 翻译:把这块橡皮给你的弟弟._ 把这块表带到房间里. _【强化训练】 阅读理解 Look at this . Heres a pencil case, its orange, its my pencil case, its on the desk. Look! This is a pen, its black. And this is an eraser, its blue and white. Theyre both (都) in the pencil case. This is a ruler, its red, its on the pencil case. That is a ruler, too.Its yellow. Its in the drawer. Wheres my math book? Ah, its there, under the sofa.( ) 1. This is pencil case. A. my B. her C. his( ) 2 The yellow ruler is A. in the backpack B. in the drawer C. on the pencil case( ) 3. in the pencil case. A. A pen is B. An eraser C. A and B are( ) 4. The is orange. A. pen B. pencil C. pencil case( ) 5. Where is my English book? _ A. Under the sofa B. On the desk C. Sorry, I dont know. 【归纳总结 】1.会写便条。2.引导学生复习方位介词并介绍自己的房间,形成方位感知。【板书设计】 Unit 4 Wheres my schoolbag?Wheres/re the/my ?Its/Theyre in/on/under the .The tape player is on the teachers desk. 【教学反思】 3
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