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第九单元测试卷第I卷(选择题)一、单选题1The woman was _ her son because he didnt finish his homework.Aafraid ofBangry withCdifferent fromDinterested in2The National Sports Meeting will be covered _tomorrow evening.AlifeBaliveClivingDlive3 Tom, I need your help. Please come here. Sorry, I _ on the phone.Awas talkingBam talkingCwill talkDtalked4Kelly and Sandy are good friends. They share everything with each other happiness and _.AfairnessBkindnessCsadnessDshyness5 I am sorry I cant go swimming with you. _AIts my pleasure.BWhat a pity!CYou are welcome.DSure, I am.6 I would like to book a room. Sorry, sir. We dont have _ rooms.AlargeBstrangeCspareDgood7 She _ for five years. Oh, really?AmarriedBhas marriedChas been marriedDgot married8 It may rain tomorrow. _, well have to stay at home.AFirst of allBIn that caseCAt leastDBy the way9We know that something _ to end it.Amust is doneBmust be doneCmust doDmust done10It is snowing outside, _?Adoesnt itBdoes itCis itDisnt it11 Does Mike always finish his homework on time? Yes. He _ leaves todays work for tomorrow.AonlyBalsoCusuallyDnever12Some parents prefer _ the wall blue for their children _ them a feeling of harmony.Ato paint; to giveBpainting; givingCto paint; givingDpainting; to give13- What kind of teachers do you like?- _.AI like my English teacher.BI like those who are friendly.CThe teacher is outgoing.DThe teacher is strict with me.14He was born in a poor family,but his parents managed to buy books for him _.Ain this wayBin a whileConce in a whileDfor a while15Jack asked me _ yesterday afternoon.Awhen I go to the partyBwhen do I go to the partyCwhy I didnt go to the partyDwhy did I go to the party二、完型填空Ah Nius original name is Chen Qingxiang.Before 1997, he was just a _ person in Malaysia and Singapore.After his song was _by Richie Jen(任贤齐), Ah Niu became popular.His most unforgettable songs include GirlsAcrosstheWayLookOverHere, LoveMeForever, PeachBlossomOnebyOne(桃花朵朵开)and HugtheLittleKoala.He also wrote a few hits for several _ Taiwan pop singers like Rene Liu(刘若英)PeachBlossomOnebyOne was a great _.The idea for the song came from one of Ah Nius _ to the Chinese Mainland.Ah Niu saw a large area full of blossoming peach trees.Then he _many people working in other cities, away from their homes.Many of them _to their hometowns during the Spring Festival, so Ah Niu wrote this song to describe how all of a persons family members _ for his return under the peach trees.This made it a perfect song for the Spring Festival _.One song from Ah Nius album is IWanttoSingaSongforYou,which was written for Ah Nius little daughter. But he says that his daughter _understand what hes singing about until she grows up.16AnormalBcommonCdifferentDusual17ArememberedBdancedCwrittenDsung18AfamousBhonestCbraveDtall19AentertainmentBfeatureCsuccessDrisk20AcoursesBvisitsCtalksDmeetings21 Acomplained aboutBheard fromCbelieved in Dthought about22AbroughtBreturnedCsentDtook23AkeepBrunCwaitDsit24AlyricsBcelebrationsCresearchesDappointments25AneedntBshouldntCmust notDmay not三、阅读单选TheVoiceofChina was hot during the summer of 2012! TheVoiceofChina is a large music show in China.This show is also the only one that regards the voice as the only standard.It premiered at 21:15 on July 13,2012,on Zhejiang Television.It has attracted great attention.The show became an_overnight_successThe first season used “Real voice,real music” as its slogan.As a mentor(导师),singers like Liu Huan,Na Ying,Yu Chengqing and Yang Kun will be responsible for seeking worldshaking voices of China in the following three and a half months,through four stages,namely,“blind choosing”,“selecting”,“team PK” and “yearly grand ceremony”It is really a miracle that TheVoiceofChina can stand out in the flood of todays talent shows in China and attract the audience.A great many people said this would be the best television show in this summer.They were all proud of these good voices of China.The students beautiful voices moved everyone.Xu Haixing,a girl from Chengdu,sang “Self” to realize her fathers dream and Liu Huan was moved to tears by her song.Huang Yong sang “In Spring” showing his persistence on his dream and Yang Kun cried for this.The blind girl Zhang Yuxia,a busker from Taiwan,played while singing.She was praised as “Deng Lijun No.2” for her unique voice,and her sincere feelings touched everybody.Na Ying went to the stage to sing with the students together
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