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Unit 10 Id like some noodles.(Lesson 3: Section A 2dGrammar focus)总课时编号:_ 编写时间:_月_日 执行时间: 月 日小组组别:_ 小组组号:_ 姓名:_一、学习目标:small talk点菜。二、学习重、难点:学习重点:1. May I have/ take your order? 2. Id like one bowl of beef soup.3. What size would you like? 4. Wed also like some mapo tofu with rice. 5. Thats right.学习难点:能模仿2d创设自己的对话三、学习活动:1. 预习检测:听写Grammar focus句子5句。2. Listening: 听2d,What would they like?_3. 略读2d,回答:1) When is it now?_2) What kind of soup would they like?_3) Do you think the food is healthy? Why?_4. 精读训练:仔细阅读2d后,关上课本,补全对话。(课堂上进行)Waitress: _afternoon. _ I _your _?Sally: Yes. _there _vegetables in the _soup?Waitress: Yes. There _some_.Sally: OK. Wed_ one _of beef _.Waitress: Sure. What_ would you _?Sally: _, please.Tom: _also like gongbao_ and some mapo tofu _ rice.Waitress: OK. _large bowl _beef soup, one_ chicken, and onemapo_ with_.Tom: Yes, thats_.5. 朗读对话,合书分角色表演对话。四、课堂小结:1. _?服务员为客人点单问候语2. may 1)可以2)可能3)May 五月/ 女名,译为 “美或梅”Eg.他可能回家了。_我可以进来吗?_梅的妈妈的生日在五月份。_3. order 1) 顺序 in right order_; 2) 命令order sb. to do sth._3) 点菜,预定 order a table for ten people_4. with表示伴随,在不同语境中有不同翻译留长发的女生_ 带着孩子的妇女_ 钱不离身的男孩_ 有西红柿的牛肉面_带花园的大房子_ 没有水的玻璃杯_五、达标检测:根据key words理清脉络背诵2d对话.六、课后拓展:能力第2课时2
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