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Unit 4 Amazing things(第三课时)Reading 课时练习题1 Andy (find) a little cat in the bushes that day.2 “What (happen) there?” She asked.3 They were afraid of (fly).4 Suddenly I (hear) a strange noise outside last night.5 Tell me what (happen) to you on your way here.6 Listen! Her voice (sound) like the singing of the birds.7 - you busy last week? No, I (be)8 Amy and Betty (watch) the film yesterday一、词组翻译:1.像平常一样 2.认真听 3.照料、照看_ 4.害怕 _5.撞上某人_ 6.在去的路上 _7.自言自语_ 8.something unusual _9.search carefully_ 10.the following Sunday_二、掌握下列结构:1. as usual像平常一样,照例 As usual he got up very early.2. turn around 转过身 He turned around and looked at me in surprise.3. anything unusual 任何不同寻常的东西 当不定代词something, anything, nothing被形容词修饰时,形容词需要后置。 I have something interesting to tell you. _There is nothing important in todays paper. _4. on ones way 在路上 on ones way to 在去途中 On my way to school, I met an old friend of mine. _On my way home , I ran into my uncle.(home为副词,前面的to省略)_ran into 偶然碰见 I ran into my Chinese teacher in the supermarket.5. say to oneself 自言自语 say to sb 对某人说 He said to himself, I must work hard _6. happen vi (偶然)发生Look! What is happening there ? _What happened to you yesterday? _happen to do sth. 碰巧做某事We happened to be at the station when it happened. _ 7. They were not afraid any more. _ not any more = no more 意为“不再”“再也不” 她不再哭了。(两种)_ 三、用所给词的适当形式填空。1.He got up late yesterday, so he went to school breakfast. (with)2. This is an story, do you want to listen to it? (usual)3. The cars are moving in these busy streets. (slow)4. Shirley is a very girl, she often gets 100 points in her Maths exams.(care) 5. Are you in seeing a film? (interest)7. Some will visit Shanghai next year. (visit)8. There (be) a film in the students hall this evening.9. Mrs White is in the classroom. She (talk) with some students.10. The boys (go) on a trip last month.11. They said it (be) a busy and interesting day.12. I m looking forward to (receive) your e-mail.13. Kitty is afraid of (swim) in the sea.14. (not be) late for school again, Allie.15. I have a friend (call) Peter.16. You should (brush) your teeth every day.17. Mr. Black (usual) goes to work at a quarter past seven.18. He is a (care) driver and often drives (careful).19. They were not afraid any (much) when they knew the ghost was a cat.20. People in the animal certre will take (well) care of the dog.21. The boy (not do) his homework yesterday evening.22. The plane (leave) in ten minutes, wont it?23. He was surprised (meet) me in the street yesterday.24. Miss Green (love) to chat when she was a child.四、完成下列句子1.因为太害怕了,他们立即逃跑了。They very ,then they _ _ at once.2.“我会照料好我自己的”,她自言自语道。I can _ _ _ myself. She _ _ _. 3.上周我碰巧在街上遇到他。I _ _ him in the street last week.4.在去公园的路上,我遇到了我的同学。_ _ _ _ the park, I met one of my classmates.5.看,他正把她的照片给他的朋友看。Look! He_ _ his photos_his friends.五、选择题1( ) Ive the story. Me,too. It funny. A heard, looks B heard of, sounds C listened, feels D listened to, is sounded2 ( )Come on, Sue! Here is about the English Speech Contest. A something useful B anything special C nothing exciting D useful everything3 ( ) At the foot of the hill you could hear nothing but the of the running water. A shout B noise C voice D sound4 ( )She parked her car outside the window ,but the next morning she found it missing. A as usual B at least C so far D at all5 ( )On their way , they met their old teacher. A to home B home C go to home D to the home6 ( ) Please help me the housew
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