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福建省龙海市港尾中学2013-2014学年八年级英语10月月考试题(无答案) 人教新目标版. 单项选择。(20分)( )1. Would you like to climb mountains with me this Sunday?Id love to. But I _ play table tennis against Class Three. A. am goingB. am going to C. amD. going to( )2. Do you like swimming?Yes, swimming is a good way _ fit. A. keepB. to keepC. keepingD. keeps( )3.The motto of the modern Olympics is “_. ”A. Fast, High, strongB. Faster, Higher, StrongerC. Faster, High, strongD. Faster, High, Stronger( )4. When and where _ we meet?Lets make it 3:00 at my home. A. doB. mustC. shallD. did( )5. I talked with a foreigner for a long time yesterday. Great! Its a good _ to practice English. A. habitB. chanceC. skillD. exercise( )6. The shirt looks very nice. I guess it is _ 100 yuan. A. at firstB. at mostC. at leastD. at last( )7. Im so sorry for losing your bike. _A. Oh, it doesnt matter. B. Youre welcome. C. Thats OK. D. Thank you all the same.( )8. _ do you play computer games?Every night. A. How longB. WhenC. How muchD. How often( )9. I think _ a foreign language is not easy. You should _ it often. A. to learn; to practiceB. learning; practiceC. learn; practicingD. learns; to practice( )10. There _ a football match next week. Shall we go and watch it?A. will haveB. hasC. haveD. will be ( )11. Dont be late next time!_A. Sorry, I wont. B. Sorry, I dont. C. All right, I wont. D. OK, I wont. ( )12. When did your school hold the sports meet?Last week. And I _ the girls 400-metre race. A. joinedB. took part inC. will joinD. will take part in( )13. Dont shout at him. He _. A. will do his bestB. did well in C. is good at D. did his best( )14. We should _ the school rules as students. A. breakB. catchC. tellD. follow( )15. Kangkang won the first place in the _ in the school sports meet last week. A. boys 100-meter raceB. boys 100-meter raceC. boys 100-meters raceD. boys 100-meters race( )16.Would you mind _ us in the game?Not at all. A. joiningB. joinC. join in D. joining in( )17.Shall we go out for a picnic this Sunday?_ A. Thats right. B. Best wishes. C. Good idea. D. Its nothing. ( )18.Will you join us?_A. No, I wont. B. Youre welcome. C. I hope not. D. Of course, I will.( )19.All the Chinese were _ when they heard Liu Xiang won the first. It was really _. A. exciting, excitedB. excited, excitingC. exciting, excitingD. excited, excited( )20. Hi, Im Xiao Li, Im very glad to _ friends _ you. Me too. Im Xiao Wang. A. get; likeB. make; withC. get; withD. make; to. 情景交际。(5分)Mike:Hi, Jim. 21 Jim:I am going to the gym. Mike: 22 Jim:Im going to take part in the football match there. 23 Mike:Of course. Ill go there to cheer you on. Jim:Oh. Its very good. 24 Mike:Yes, I do. But I dont play it very well. Jim:You need more practice. Mike:Yes, youre right. 25 Jim:At five oclock. Mike:Oh, its ten past four now. Lets hurry. A. How long will it last?B. Do you like playing football?C. Would you like to go with me?D. Where are you going?E. When will the match start?F. What are you going there for?G. Will you enjoy soccer?21. 22. 23. 24. 25. . 完形填空。(10分)A lot of students are having all kinds of sports on the sports field. A football game is going on right now 26 Class 3 and Class 4. We dont know which team will 27 . Look at those people over there! Some students of Class 1 are practicing the 28 jump. One of them is the best high jumper in the school. He practices hard every day. Many people think he will 29 the school record (记录) in the sports meet next spring. Not far away from them, some girls are preparing for a race. They 30 have a 600-meter race in ten minutes. Now on the corner of the field, you can see another group (群) of students. Their teacher is telling them 31 to throw discus (铁饼). In schools, 32 students love sports now. Sports help people to keep 33 . They also help people to live happily. And 34 doing sports on the sports field, many people will 35 good friends, too. Do you think so?( )26. A. inB. betweenC. fromD. of( )27. A. winB. winningC. fallD. falling( )28. A. longB. farC. highD. tall( )29. A. breakB. turnC. leaveD. name( )30. A. wereB. going toC. were going toD. will( )31. A. whatB. howC. whichD. that( )32. A. much and muchB. most and mostC. many and manyD. more and more( )33. A. healthB. tiredC. healthyD. happy( )34. A. inB. beforeC. afterD. over
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