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山东省莱芜市莱城区茶业口镇腰关中学2017-2018学年八年级英语下学期期中试题第I卷 选择题一、听力(一) 你将听到五个句子,每个句子听一遍,然后从每个小题A,B,C中选出适合每个句子的答语。1. A. Thats terrible. B. Sounds like a good plan. C. Youre good at it.2. A. Very interesting B. Far from here C. Have a good day.3. A. I have no hobbies. B. An astronaut. C. I like taking planes.4. A. Its near here. B. Its very great. C. Lets take a bus.5. A. Tomorrow morning. B. The earth. C. In the cinema.(二) 你将听到五组对话,每组对话听一遍,然后从每个小题A,B,C中选出能回答每个问题的正确答案。6. What is Toms New Years resolution?A. Taking acting lessons. B. Eating healthier food. C. Taking more exercise.7. What is Nick going to study?A. Computer science. B. Medical science. C. Writing stories.8. What does Jill think robots will be able to do in 50 years?A. Build houses B. Drive a car C. do the homework9. Who wants to be an engineer?A. Alan B. Alans sister C. Alans brother10. What is Mary going to study?A. Medicine B Math C. Education(三)你将听到一段对话,对话听两遍,然后从每个小题A,B,C中选出能回答每个问题的正确答案。11. Who will Amy plant trees with this Sunday?A. Her friend B. Her classmate C. Her parents12. Where will Amy have lunch?A. On the West Hill B. On the South Hill C. On the North Hill13. How will Amy go there?A. By bike B. By bus C. Walk14. Where will Amy have lunch?A. At home B. At school C. On the hill15. How will the weather be this Sunday?A. Sunny B. Windy C. Cloudy(四)你将听到一篇短文,短文听两遍,然后从每个小题A,B,C中选出每个问题的正确答案。16. What are they talking about?A. Their dreams B. Their teachers C. Their parents17. What is Eric good at?A. Math B. Computers C. English18. Whose mother is a teacher?A. Marys B. Janes C. Cindys19. What is Jane going to be?A. A reporter B. A pianist C. a doctor20. Where is Cindy going to work?A. At school B. At a radio station C. In a hospital二、单项选择21. How are you going to be_?Im going to practice basketball every day.A. a basketball player B. a teacher C. a pianist D. a pilot22. _does he want to be when he_?He wants to be a computer programmer.A. What, grows up B. How, grows up C. What, grow up D. How, grow up23. My New Years resolution is to travel to Qingdao. _. A. That sounds great B. Sorry to hear that C. Sure D. Id love to24. Where is Linda? She may be at home. But Im not sure _it.A. at B. about C. with D. in25. Mary is too busy now. She has _time to play with her friends than before.A. less B. fewer C. more D. most26. _are you going to visit your uncle? Next week.A. Where B. Who C. Why D. When27. What do you think of the robots in the future? -I think they wont _ do all the work like humans. A. can B. like C. able to D. be able to28. His resolution_ the life in the next year.A. has to do with B. is good at C.is next to D. cross from29. Hi, Tina! What are you going to do for the coming summer holiday? - I am going to _ cooking because I like eating delicious food. A. take down B. take up C. pick up D. clean up30. There are _ people having lunch at this restaurant every day. A. hundred of B. hundreds of C. two hundreds D. two hundred of31. There _ two basketball games in 3 days. A. will have B. will be C. are D. is going to be32. Dont worry. Jim _ back in four days. A. come B. comes C. came D. will come33. Thank you for_ me the news. Im glad to hear that. A. tell B. tells C. told D. telling 34. Can you come to play basketball with me? -_, but I have to look after my sister.A. Id love to B. Yes, I can C. Sorry, I cant D. Sure, I can.35. I have to study _an English test _Thursday night.A. at; on B. on, for C. for; in D. for; on36. The meat is _delicious. -Yes, but dont eat_.A. too much; too much B. much too; too muchC. too much: much too D. much too; much too37. Japanese companies have already made robots_.A. to walk and dance B. walking and dancingC. walk and dance D. walked and danced38. What does Zhai Zhigang do, do you know? -Of course. He is a famous _. He is the first Chinese to walk in space. A. astronaut B. engineer C. actor D. singer39. Dont give up. I think your dream will _. A. come up B. come over C. come out D. come true40. The sandwich is delicious.
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