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山东省高密市银鹰文昌中学八年级英语上册 Module 10Unit 2 It takes place in a teahouse学案(无答案) 外研版自主学习(一)Learning aims1.Master the words and the phrasesAudience, customer, dynasty, master ,waiter, folk, acrobatics, take place, say goodbye to-2.To get information from the passage, to match heading with paragraphs and match words with meanings.3. How to write a passage about the film or play.(二)单词训练1. happen(过去式)_ 4.waiter(动词)_2. lose(过去式)_ 5.dynasty(复数)_3. twentieth(基数词)_ 6.audience(复数)_ _前置测评(一)根据句意及首字母填空。1 Who taught _(he) Chinese? Li Lei did.2. Have you finished _(make) a model plane? No, I havent. Please help me with it.3.My family has a dog _(name) Jimmy.4.When I got home yesterday afternoon, I saw my mother _(cook) in the kitchen.5.My hope is _(be) a famous singer.6.I cant wait _(eat) lunch when I get home.7.The store has a lot of old c_.8.He likes f_ music very much.9. Dont try _(make) your children _(study) hard all the time.10. We gave a _(wonder) welcome to the guests.(二)短语互译1.Betweenand 2.take place 3.in a teahouse in old Beijing 4.as the centre of the neighbourhood 5.say goodbye to 6.the Qing Dynasty7.was born in 8.send sb to somewhere, 9.learn to do sth. 10.be named11.Great Master of Language, 12.one of the greatest Chinese writers of the 20th century 当堂训练(一)单项选择1.They made the boy _water for them every day.A. carry B. carrying C. carried D. to carry2.He didnt get up _, so he missed the bus.A. enough early B. early enough C. late enough D. enough late3.The boy is very young. He cant count _ one _ one hundred.A. between and B. both or C. either or D. from to 4.What would you like to drink, girls ?_, please.A. Two cup of coffee B. Two cups of coffeesC. Two cups of coffee D. Two cup of coffees5.I hope _ a teacher when I grow up .A. you to be B. you were C. to be D. be6- I think drinking milk is good _ our health. - Yes, I agree _ you.A. for; with B. to ; with C. at; on D. in; with7.People see Yang Liwei _ a hero.A. as B. for C. to D. in (二)句型转换。1.They went to the park yesterday.(改为否定句)They _ _to the park yesterday.2.My mother asked me, “Dont read books in bed.”(合并为一句话)My mother asked me_ _ read books in bed.3.Whats the books name ?(改为同意句)Whats _ _ _ the book ?4.Lao Shes Teahouse is an interesting place, _ _ ?(反意疑问句)5. The accident happened _ in Guanghua Road.(同义) The accident _ _ in Guanghua Road.(三)汉译英1.戏剧向观众展现了中国从1898年到1945年间的生活。The play shows _ _ life in China _ 1898 _ 1945.2.它让我们把茶馆当做街坊四邻的活动中心。It asks us _ _ the teahouse _ _ _ _ the neighbourhood.3.它向老北京和那里的人们说再见。It says _ to old Beijing and its _.4 他是20 世纪中国最伟大的作家之一。He was one of the greatest _ _ of the 20th century.4. 老舍在伦敦教英国人汉语。Lao She taught _ to the English _ _.5. 老舍在北京师范学校学习教书。Lao She learned _ _ at the Teachers School in Beijing.6. 老舍茶馆热情欢迎每一位国内外朋友的光临。Lao She Teahouse _ a _ _ to everyone _ China and from _ _ _ _.2用心 爱心 专心
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