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Unit3 This is my sister Section B1-2c【学习目标】1通过对家谱的了解,掌握家庭成员的称呼,灵活运用各家庭成员的称谓介绍自己的家人。 2掌握人称代词的用法:I, you ,she, he, it, they3掌握 关于家庭成员的词汇 son, cousin, daughter, uncle, aunt【导学指导】温故知新 小组运用句型 Is he /she your? Yes,he / she is 进行自由交际。自主互助学习小组预习探究1家庭成员grandmother和grandfather可以合称为grandparents;mother和father可以合称为parents;son和daughter可以合称为chileren或相对于grandparents来说,可合称为grandchileren。2family, home和housefamily “家”,“家庭”,“家人”,着重指家庭,家庭成员或家中人口。home “家”;指同家人共同生活居住的地方,特别强调家里的氛围和环境,不一定含有建筑的意思。house “住宅”,“房子”;指居住的房屋,建筑物。试比较:This is my family tree 这是我的家谱。My family are here 我们全家人都来了。My home is in Beijing 我家在北京。She isnt at home 她不在家。I have a new house 我有了新房子。home 是一个带感情色彩的词。如:hometown 故乡 old home 老家拓展:1 名词的数。名词可分为可数名词和不可数名词。可数名词又分为单数和复数。表示一个人或事物的名词用单数;表示两个以上人或事物的名词用复数。英语名词复数形式通常是在单数名词后面加s或-es构成。如:一般名词后面加-s pencilpencils eggeggs以-s, -x, -ch, -sh结尾的名词后面加es boxboxes classclasses以辅音字母y结尾的名词,把y变成i,再加es storystories citycities以元音字母y结尾的名词,后面直接加s daydays boyboys名词的复数还有一些不规则的变化,如:ChineseChinese JapaneseJapanesemanmen womanwomen childchildren学习任务一: 熟练掌握本课的5个单词。学习任务二: 熟练掌握识别part1中的家谱。1、阅读 family tree ,用方框中的单词补全家谱 。学习任务三:听录音,练习对话。1、听录音完成2a,再听一遍,选择2b中正确的图画。2、利用2分钟时间记住中关于家庭 成员的名词,然后相互检查,小组竞赛展示单词 。3、模仿听力内容,利用 照片或自制图片介绍自己的家人。【课堂练习】一、根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。1 Mary is his s 2 His fathers brother is his u 3 His mothers sister is his a 4 Is Jim your c ?Yes, he is5 A those your parents二、把下列单词变为复数形式。 mother father brother sister friend grandfather grandmother cousin daughter aunt uncle 【要点归纳】1能熟练识别家谱并进步熟练运用介绍家人的句型巩固如何介绍家人。2名词的复数。【拓展练习】 一、 单项选择 。( )1 Are his two sisters Yes ,they are A She B He C This D These( )2 Is he your father? A No, he isB Yes, hes C No, he not D Yes, he is( )3Whats this English?Its appleA in, anB at, an C in, a D on, the( )4 ,are you Jack?No, Im notA Sorry B Excuse me C Im D Thanks( )5 Thats her aunt name is MaryA His B Her C Him DShe二 Fill in the blanks 根据短文内容,选择填空。 Look at this picture Its a picture 6 my aunts family This is Mary Smith She is my aunt Shes my mothers 7 And she my grandfathers 8 9 husband(丈夫)is John Smith Nick is their 10 and Emma is their daughter Nick and Emma 11 brother and sister Theyre my 12 They call my mother 13 and my 14 uncle I call John Smith 15 , too Its a happy(幸福的) family( ) 6 A in B at C of( ) 7 A brother B sister C mother( ) 8 A daughter B friend C son( ) 9 A His B Her C My( )10 A son B girl C cousin( )11 A is B are C am( )12 A cousins B brothers C friends( )13 A aunt B mother C grandmother( )14 A grandfather B brother C father( )15 A uncle B brother C grandfather【总结反思】3
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