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Units1 4 120分钟120分 第 卷 共75分 单项选择 15分 1 Doesyoursisterlikethis No Idon tlikeit A tooB alsoC eitherD all 解析 选C 此题考查either的用法 否定句中 也 用either 而不用too 2 10临沂中考 IntheWest peopleliketofinishamealwith forinstance dessert A sweetanythingB sweetsomethingC anythingsweetD somethingsweet 解析 选D 形容词修饰不定代词要后置 排除A B 肯定句用something 故选D 3 Dannyisn there heisintheclassroom A MaybeB MightC MaybeD May 解析 选A 句意为 丹尼不在这儿 也许他在教室里 空处需要一个副词 B和D项为情态动词 C项中的maybe为情态动词 动词原形 在句中作谓语 所以只有A项正确 4 Studyinghardmakesus A tohappyB happilyC tobehappyD happy 解析 选D 此题考查makesb adj 结构 句意为 努力学习使我们快乐 所以选D 5 Heisgoodat A swimB swimsC toswimD swimming 解析 选D 此题考查begoodat at作为介词 后跟名词 代词 动名词 所以选D 6 Imet on wayhome A me mineB her myC her mineD she my 解析 选B 第一空处要用宾格代词 第二空处要用形容词性物主代词 所以选B 7 I llgotoseeher nextweek A sometimeB sometimesC sometimesD sometime 解析 选D sometime意为 一段时间 sometimes意为 几次 sometimes意为 有时候 sometime意为 将来的 某个时候 根据句意选D 8 Howfaristhepark It sabouttwenty walkfromhere A minutesB minuteC minutes D minute s 解析 选C 句意为 公园有多远 大约是20分钟的步行路程 所以用名词复数的所有格形式 选C 9 Thisdressisnice please A tryonitB tryitonC trythemonD tryonthem 解析 选B tryon意为 试穿 宾语为代词时应放在中间 由于主语为dress 为单数 所以用代词it 故选B 10 Thegirlwaited therainstopped A whenB afterC untilD if 解析 选C 句意为 那个女孩一直等到雨停 until意为 直到 为止 所以选C 11 It stimeforclass pleasestop A talkB totalkC talkedD talking 解析 选D stopdoingsth 意为 停止做某事 stoptodosth 意为 停下来去做某事 根据句意选D 12 There afootballmatchthisafternoon A willhaveB willbeC willD is 解析 选B 此题考查Therebe句型的将来时形式Therewillbe 所以选B 13 Tomhastogotoschoolonfooteveryday A isn the B weren theC doesn tsheD doesn the 解析 选D hasto在变换句式时需借助于does Tom为男孩 所以选D 14 ShehaslearntalotaboutInternet And A Idon t either B sodoessheC SoamID sohaveI 解析 选D 此题考查 so 助动词 主语 结构 前句为现在完成时 所以后句需用助动词have 所以选D 15 10临沂中考 Somestudentsspend timeontheInternet Theyforgettostudy eatandsleep Theycan tevencommunicatewithpeopleinreallife A toomanyB manytooC toomuchD muchtoo 解析 选C time为不可数名词 应用toomuch muchtoo后跟形容词或副词 故选C 完形填空 10分 DearJohn Thankyouverymuch1yourletter Beijingisverybeautiful Ilike2verymuch I mfine AndI mbusywithmylessons Ihaveseven3everyday Fourinthemorningandthreeintheafternoon Yes IlikeEnglish4 butIdislikeChinese Chineseisveryhard5me I mtryingmy besttolearnit butI mnotvery6atit IlikeP E bestbecauseit sfun Icanplaytabletennisandbasketball Bytheway doyoulikeEnglish CanyouspeakEnglish7 Whatdoyou8Canada WelcometoCanada I9you10cometoCanadasometime 1 A toB atC forD in 解析 选C 此题考查Thankyoufor句型 所以选C 2 A himB herC themD it 解析 选D 此处指代 北京 所以用it 3 A classB classesC ClassD piecesofclass 解析 选B 此处指 七节课 所以用复数 4 A alotB veryC alotofD many 解析 选A 此处alot相当于verymuch 意为 非常 5 A atB forC withD on 解析 选B 此处for指 对某人来说 6 A wellB goodC niceD fine 解析 选B 此题考查begoodat句型 7 A wellB goodC niceD fine 解析 选A 此处需用副词来修饰动词speak 8 A thinkaboutB thinkoverC thinkofD thinkhard 解析 选C 句意为 你觉得加拿大怎么样 所以用Whatdoyouthinkof 句型 9 A hopesB hopedC hopingD hope 解析 选D 此处用一般现在时表示 写信时 的情况 10 A canB toC sometimesD often 解析 选A hope后面可以加从句 但不可以加不定式 阅读理解 30分 A AhistoryteacherwastalkingtohisclassabouttheancientRomans 古罗马人 Theywereverystrong bravepeople andtheyweregoodsoldiers too hesaid Theyalwayswantedtohavestrongbodies sotheyplayedalotofgames Didtheylikeswimming oneofthegirlsasked Thatmakespeoplestrong Shewasverygoodatswimming Oh yes someofthemswamalot theteacheranswered ThenhetoldthemastoryaboutafamousRoman Therewasabig wideriverinthemiddleofRome hesaid andonemanswamacrossitthreetimeseverydaybeforebreakfast Thegirllaughedwhensheheardthis Whyareyoulaughing theteacheraskedherangrily DidIsaysomethinginteresting Well sir thegirlanswered Whydidn theswimacrosstheriverfourtimestogethisclothesback 根据短文内容 选择正确答案 1 TheancientRomansplayedmanygamesbecause A theywerenotoldenoughB theywerefreeC theywantedtobestrongD theywerenotbrave 解析 选C 由文中第一段最后一句 Theyalwayswantedtohavestrongbodies sotheyplayedalotofgames 可知 2 Theteachertaught A swimmingB EnglishC historyD P E 解析 选C 由文中第一句AhistoryteacherwastalkingtohisclassabouttheancientRomans可知 3 Thegirlaskedtheteacherif 是否 theRomanslikedswimmingbecause A shewasagoodswimmerB theteacherwasgoodatswimmingC shewasgoingtolearnswimmingD shedidn tlikeswimming 解析 选A 由文中第二段中的句子oneofthegirlsasked Shewasverygoodatswimming 可知 4 Theunderlined 划线的 word them meanshere A theteachersB thegirlsintheclassC theRomansD strong bravepeople 解析 选C 由上文讲 Didtheylikeswimming 和下文ThenhetoldthemastoryaboutafamousRoman 可知 5 Whydidthegirllaugh A Becausetheteacherwasinteresting B Becausethemanswamwithout 没有 breakfast C Becausethemancouldn tswimatall D Becauseshedidn tunderstandtheteacher 解析 选D 由文中最后女孩的话 Whydidn theswimacrosstheriverfourtimestogethisclothesback 可知 B InAmerica everystudentlikespopularmusic StudentscarrysmallMP3playerswithearphonesandlistenbeforeclass afterclass andatlunch Studentswithcarsbuylargespeakersandplaythemusicloudlywhentheydriveonthestreet Adult 成人 driverslistentomusiconthecarradiowhentheydrivetowork Theyalsolistentothenewsaboutsports theweather andthelifeofAmericanpeople Mostoftheradioprogramsaremusic Popularmusicsingersmakemuchmoney TheymakeaCDoratapeandradiostatio
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