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Units1 8 120分钟120分 第 卷 共75分 单项选择 15分 1 10温州中考 Susan Iwon tbebackfordinnerthisevening Don tworry mom Icantakecareof A yourselfB herselfC himselfD myself 解析 选D 考查反身代词 主语为I 相对的是myself 2 Turnontheradio Iaskedyoutoturnontheradio A ExcusemeB SorryC Don tyouD Pardon 解析 选D 此题考查pardon的用法 表示听不清对方说的话时 用pardon 意为 请再说一遍好吗 3 Whenwemeetanewword wecan inadictionary A lookupitB lookitupC lookforitD lookitafter 解析 选B 此题考查lookup的用法 lookup为 动词 副词 结构 意为 查阅 宾语为代词时 放在中间 4 Whatdoyouthink Jim Heisfriendly A aboutB ofC asD on 解析 选B 此题考查Whatdoyouthinkof 句型 意为 你觉得 怎么样 5 Who ThisisJennyspeaking A areyouB issheC isthatD isthegirl 解析 选C 此题考查 打电话用语 问对方是谁 用Whoisthat speaking 而不能问Whoareyou 6 Idon tknow A wheredoesheliveB whereheliveC wherehelivesD wherehedoeslive 解析 选C 此题考查宾语从句的用法 宾语从句中应用陈述语序 故选C 7 Doingmorningexerciseseveryday children A isgoodforB aregoodforC aregoodtoD isgoodto 解析 选A 动名词短语作主语 谓语动词用单数形式 begoodfor意为 对 有好处 begoodto意为 对 友好 故选A 8 EveryoneexceptJackandNick therewhenthemeetingbegan A isB wasC areD were 解析 选B exceptJackandNick为介词短语作定语 真正的主语是everyone began为过去式 所以选B 9 09孝感中考 Thesignwiththewords isoftenfoundinahospitaloralibrary A KeepQuietB NoPhotosC NoParkingD Stop 解析 选A 此题为常识题 由句中 在医院 和 在图书馆 可知是 保持安静 故选A 10 Dannywenttothegymyesterday A SoJennydid B SodidJenny C Jennydidso D SodidDanny 解析 选B 句意为 丹尼昨天去体育馆了 詹尼也去了 所以用SodidJenny 11 Mostboysenjoy footballverymuch A playB playingC playedD toplay 解析 选B 此题考查动词enjoy的用法 enjoy后可跟名词 代词 动名词作宾语 故选B 12 10兰州中考 Dannydidallkindsofthingstomakethebaby A tostopcryingB stopcryingC tostoptocryD stoptocry 解析 选B 由句型makesb dosth 排除A C 句意 Danny做了各种各样的事情使婴儿停止哭 stopdoingsth 停止做某事 stoptodosth 停下来去做另一件事 故选B 13 Chinaisfamous pandasandtheGreatWall A ofB toC forD as 解析 选C 此题考查短语搭配befamousfor 因为 而闻名 的用法 14 It sveryimportant us planttrees A to toB for forC for toD to for 解析 选C 此题考查It s adj forsb todosth 句型 15 Iliketheshoes canI A tryitonB tryonitC trythemonD tryonthem 解析 选C 此题考查tryon的用法 tryon为 动词 副词 结构 宾语为代词时放中间 宾语为shoes 所以用them 完形填空 10分 EverydayTomwenttothemarket1foodand2things Heput3inabasket Becausehewasoldandweak healwayspaid4mantocarrythebaskethome5 ButoneSaturday whilehewaswalkinghome6themanwiththebasket themanranawaywithit ThenextSaturday whenTomwenttothemarketagain afriendof7said Look thereheis Themanstoleyourthingslastweek Tomatoncehid 躲藏 8thedoorandstayedthereuntilthemanleftthemarket Hisfriendwasverysurprised Whydidyoudothat heasked Well saidTom Thatmanwascarryingmybasketandheleftmeaweekago Hewillwantmetopayhim9sevendays work andthatwillcostme10thanabasketfullofthings 1 A buyB tobuyC buyingD bought 解析 选B 此题考查goto 地点 todosth 意为 去某地做某事 2 A otherB theotherC othersD theothers 解析 选A 由句意 买食物和其他的东西 可知 3 A itB itsC themD they 解析 选C 由句意可知 放的是食物和其他的东西 为复数 所以用them 4 A theotherB anotherC theothersD other 解析 选B 由句意可知 他付钱给另外一个人为他搬东西 5 A tohimB toheC forheD forhim 解析 选D 由句意可知 他付钱给另外一个人为他搬东西 6 A frontB inthefrontofC infrontofD infront 解析 选C 表示 在某人前面 用infrontof 7 A heB himC himselfD his 解析 选D 句意为 他的一个朋友 所以用his 8 A beforeB agoC behindD from 解析 选C 由句意可知 藏在门后面 所以用behind 9 A forB inC onD at 解析 选A 由句意可知 他要我付给他七天的工钱 10 A muchB manyC moreD moremuch 解析 选C 由句意可知 那比我一篮子的东西花钱还多 所以用more 阅读理解 30分 A Thereisnothingdifficultforustodointheworld Thatistosay ifwedoit thedifficultthingwillbeeasy ifwedon t theeasythingwillbedifficult Hereisastoryforustoread Longlongago therelivedtwomonks 和尚 inSichuanProvince 省 Onewaspoorandtheotherwasrich Onedaythepoormonksaidtotherichone IwanttogotoNanhai Whatdoyouthinkofit GotoNanhai IhavebeentryingtogothereforquiteafewyearsbutIcouldn treachthere Howcanyougettherewithoutanymoney Abottleandabowlareenoughforme answeredthepoorone Afterayear thepoormonkreturnedfromNanhaiandtoldhisstorytotherichmonk Therichmonk sfaceturnedredandhehadnothingtosay It sthousandsofkilometresfromSichuantoNanhai Therichonecouldn tgetthere butthepooronedid 根据短文内容 选择正确答案 1 wantedtogotoNanhai A BothofthemonksB EitherofthemonksC OnlythepoormonkD Onlytherichmonk 解析 选A 由文中的句子Onedaythepoormonksaidtotherichone IwanttogotoNanhai Whatdoyouthinkofit GotoNanhai IhavebeentryingtogothereforquiteafewyearsbutIcouldn treachthere 可知 两个和尚都想去南海 2 Ittookthepoormonk togettoNanhai A aboutayearB halfayearC overayearD manyyears 解析 选B 由文中的句子Afterayear thepoormonkreturnedfromNanhai 可知 到达南海用了半年的时间 3 ThepoormonkwenttoNanhai A withalotofmoneyB withtherichmonktogetherC withabottleandabowlD withalotofmoneyandfood 解析 选C 由文中的句子 Abottleandabowlareenoughforme 可知 只拿了一个瓶子和一个碗 4 Therichmonk sfaceturnedredbecause A hedidn ttrytogotoNanhaiB hedidn tgivethepooranymoneyC hecouldn t butthepooronegotthereD hecould butthepooronecouldn tgetthere 解析 选C 由文中的句子It sthousandsofkilometresfromSichuantoNanhai Therichonecouldn tgetthere butthepooronedid 可知 他没办到的事情那个穷和尚却办到了 所以他感到羞愧 5 Thestorytellsusthat A abottleandabowlareveryimportantB nothingisdifficultifyoutrytodoitC itisbettertobepoorD moneyisveryimportant 解析 选B 由文中的句子Thereisnothingdifficultforustodointheworld Thatistosay ifwedoit thedifficultthingwillbeeasy ifwedon t theeasythingwillbedifficult 可知 只要努力 就没有困难的事 B Mr Greywasthemanager 经
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