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Unit9Haveyoueverbeentoamuseum SectionB 1a 1d 选词配图theTerracottaArmy theGreatWall theBird sNest thePalaceMuseum 答案 1 theGreatWall2 thePalaceMuseum 答案 3 theTerracottaArmy4 theBird sNest 句型展示1 你参观过故宫吗 youthePalaceMuseum 2 你去过长城吗 HaveyoutheGreatWall 答案 1 Have visited2 beento 3 你看过兵马俑吗 youtheTerracottaArmy 4 你品尝过中国食品吗 youChinesefood 5 你在中国多长时间了 haveyouChina 答案 3 Have seen4 Have tried5 Howlong beenin HaveyoutriedChinesefood 你品尝过中国食品吗 自主领悟 句中try的意思是 品尝 尝 用作及物动词 后接名词作宾语 例如 IhavetriedSichuanfoodbefore 我以前品尝过四川菜 归纳拓展 try的其他用法 活学活用 Haveyouthesecakes Yes verysweet A triedtoeatB triedeatingC hadatryD tried 请尽量解决这个问题 我们需要你的答案 Pleaseouttheproblem Weneedyouranswer 答案 trytowork 单项选择1 Helen salreadytherethreetimes A isB wasC beenD beento2 youevertheSummerPalace No never A Do visitB Did visitC Will visitD Have visited 3 youyourdictionaryyet Yes Iitfiveminutesago A Did find foundB Have found foundC Have found havefoundD Did find havefound4 We vebeentoawaterpark Meneither A alreadyB everC neverD yet 5 Let sgotothenoodlehouse Well whynothamburgers A goB makeC tryD call 句型转换1 IhaveseentheTerracottaArmy 改为一般疑问句 youtheTerracottaArmy 2 Ihavekeptthisbookfortwoweeks 对画线部分提问 haveyoukeptthisbook 答案 1 Have seen2 Howlong 3 They vetriedGermanbreadbefore 改为否定句 They vetriedGermanbreadbefore 4 Thisismysecondtimetobehere 改为同义句 Iheretwice 5 Ihavebeentocountrieswithlonghistory 对画线部分提问 haveyoubeen 答案 3 never4 havebeen5 Where
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