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Unit3 What are you doing for vacation?(Section A Period2)一【学习目标】:A知识目标:1.巩固现在进行时表将来计划或行动的用法2.掌握单词:四会单词hike,away,send(过去式为sent),postcard 三会单词Tibet,Hong Kong,yeah,San Francisco,Hawaii 3掌握短语:go to Tibet for a week,go hiking,in the mountains,how long,my friend in Hong Kong,go away,too long,send me a postcard(send sb. sth.),show me your photos,get back,get back to school 4.掌握句子: 1.Im going to Tibet for a week. 2.That sounds interesting!3. What are you doing there? 4.Im going hiking in the mountains.5. Im visiting my friend in Hong Kong. 6.How long are you staying?7. Just for four days. 8.I dont like going away for too long.9. Send me a postcard from Hong Kong.10.show me your photos when we get back to school. 5.掌握“for+一段时间”的用法。B能力目标:进一步训练学生对现在进行时表将来的用法的运用能力。C情感目标:沟通增进友谊。二、【重点和难点】重点:知识目标中的2,3 ,4,5 难点:知识目标中的43、 【学习过程】一)课前准备1、知识链接:写出你的假期梦想,只要写明三句话就可以1.你要去哪里度假2.你准备什么时候去 3.你准备待多长时间_ 2、基础导航1)在P15中划出下列新词汇:hike,away,send,postcard三会单词Tibet,Hong Kong,yeah,San Francisco,Hawaii,并根据上下文猜测出生词的含义,试着朗读。2)在P15中找出下列短语:去远足_ 在山里_ 去西藏待一周_ 多长时间_离开_ 我在香港的朋友_太久_ 给我看你的照片 寄给我一张明信片 回来 返回到学校 -(在此处领读)3、自主探究:how much, how many , how long , how far , how often , how soon 分别针对什么进行提问? _ 4、通过预习,你还有哪些方面存在疑问?_ 2) 课堂活动1、 展示你的记忆能力及复习效果,默写以下单词,短语和句子:(单词)野营(短语)去野营临时照顾(小孩)照顾小孩计划在12号下周1假期你准备做什么?我要看望我的奶奶。2她假期准备做什么?她要去野营。3你什么时候走?我在周一走。4你要和谁一起去?我要和我的父母一起去。5他什么时候去?他要12号走。6他们什么时候去?他们下周去。2、检查预习情况:1) 讨论解决预习中存在的问题(师生互问探讨)。2) 分组交流你在课前准备中错了哪些并找出错误的原因。3、老师或学生领读生词和短语4、综合技能训练1:P15 ,3a .1.)2分钟快速默读对话,完成表格填空并一起核对答案。2.)合上书听录音,让学生每人一句重复并正音。3.)给3分钟让学生大声练习完整的对话。5、综合技能训练2:P15,3b Pairwork,按照右侧方块里的对话做另外三个对话表演,看谁的声音最洪亮,发音最标准。6、小结:回想本节课所学内容,你学到了哪些?你还有什么疑问? 三)当堂反馈:补全对话Tom: What are you doing on vacation?Bob: 1 Tom: That sounds interesting. 2 A.Im going to Tibet for a week.B.Well, have a good time.C.What are you doing there?D.How long are you staying there?E.What about you, Tom?Bob: Im going hiking in the mountains. 3 What are you doing on vacation?Mike: Im visiting my friend in Hong Kong. Bob: Oh, 4 Mike: Just for five days. Bob: I dont like going out too long. Mike: 5 Show me your photos when you get back.1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _完形填空 Dodtors tell us that holidays are to have a 1 from work for a week or two weeksevery year. If it is possible, they say, we should 2 our homes and go to another 3 of the country. We should go away for 4 . Then, after the holidays, we will be 5 and get ready for 6 again.But some people do not want to leave their homes and 7 in other places. They think their 8 are best of all. And some people can have a rest in 9 way. They can go to visit their friends. They can have a 10 holiday together.( ) 1. A. rest B. meeting C. time D. talk( ) 2. A. stay B. leave C. go D. come ( ) 3. A. cities B. towns C.villages D. parts( ) 4. A. work B. study C. holidays D. cooking( ) 5. A. better B. healthy C. bad D. best( ) 6. A. work B. spots C. study D. play( )7. A. go B. come C. sday D. reach( )8. A. work B. homes C. room D. housedraws( )9. A. one B. other C. another D. others( )10. A. better B. best C. well D. good四)当堂反馈小结:a.找学生核对答案,老师订正,两人互批或老师批。 b.交流检查错误订正情况,老师巡视答疑并强调错解典型。四、【课后巩固提升】:1.背诵本课生词、短语及句子。2.小练笔:编一个询问假期计划的小对话写在作业本上,不少于6句话。五、【教师教后记】:3
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