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黑龙江省黑河市爱辉镇中学八年级英语上册 Unit 10 Im going to be a basketball player Period 4 Section B 3a-4导学案(无答案) 人教新目标版班级:_姓名:_.导学内容: Section B 3a-4.导学目标知识点 :1. Key Phrases make New Years resolutions 制定新年决心keep fit 保持健康 communicate better with sb .与某人更好地沟通work harder努力工作、学习 leave her job放弃她的工作exercise more多锻炼 find a job as 找到一份称心的工作build a bigger subway 建设更大的地铁 make it cleaner使它更清洁get an e-mail from sb 收到某人的来信 2. Key Sentences We got over 1,000 letters , faxes and e-mail from our readers about their New Years resolutions . Some girls are going to exercise more to keep fit . Some parents are going to study the subjects their children learn at school . 导学过程: Step 1.预习 (3b) Look at 2a and 2b on page 62 . Write a magazine article about Kim , Lucy and Manuel and their resolutions .在第63页写一篇关于Kim, Lucy和Manuel的文章。 Step 2. 课堂导学 (3a) Read the magazine article and make a list of the New Years resolutions it mentions . _ _Step 3. 教师引导,学生小结: (1) over prep. (在数目、程度等方面)超过,相当于more than . eg . Over fifty people were at the party . (2) 在上面,超过 eg . A plane flew over the house . (3) adj 结束的,完了的 Summer is over . Its autumn now .Step 4. Groupwork Imagine you work for your city . What are you going to do to make it cleaner .设想你为你的城市工作,你怎样使它更清洁? 1. _ 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ 5. _课后练习:一、句型转换 1. Karl is going to move to London .(对画线部分提问) _ _ Karl going to move ? 2. She is going to leave at nine tomorrow . _ _ she going to leave ? 3. We are going to the city by train . _ _ _ going to the city ? 4. They are going to travel to Yunan next month . _ _ they going to _ next month ? 5. There are over 100 workers in the company .(同义句) There are _ _ 100 workers in the company .二、将下面的单词连成句子 6. I , get , going , to , good , grades , am _ 7. want , they , to , to , move , places , interesting , and , things , new , see _ 8. some , going , to , are , girls , exercise , fit , to , more , keep _ 9. they , better , kids , to , their , communicate , with , want _ 10. how , work , their , going , to , are , resolutions , they , make _课后反思:_3
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