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黑龙江省黑河市爱辉镇中学八年级英语上册 Unit 1 How often do you exercise Period 2 Section A 3.4导学案(无答案) 人教新目标版 班级:_ 姓名:_Period 2. Learning Contents: Section A 3.4. Language Goals :1. Key vocabularies :once or twice a week一周两次all students 所有学生three or four times a week一周三四次no students 没有学生the result of 的结果as for 就而言the result for 至于的结果one to five times 一到五次2. Target language Here are the results of the student activity survey at Green high school .这是格林高中学生活动调查的结果。Some students are very active , and exercise every day .一些学生非常活跃,他们每天锻炼。As for homework , most students do homework every day .至于家庭作业,大部分学生每天做作业。The results for “watch TV” are interesting .至于“看电视”的调查结果很有趣。. Preview 1. Read the magazine article . And complete it _IV.Lets learn1.all (1)做形容词,意为“所有的,全部的”指三者或三者以上,用于修饰名词,常用于冠词,指示代词(this,that,these,those)等之前。eg.all the world all those sheep(2)all做副词,常用于系/助/情态动词之后,行为动词之前。eg.They are all teachers. =All of them are teachers.They all go to school every day.(3)用not否定all是部分否定,意思是“未必全部都”eg.Not all my friends go there.2.no 形容词,意为“没有,一个或一点儿也没有”相当于not a/any.eg.Theres no time left.=There isnt any time left.No 还可以用于一些固定结构中,相当于祈使句,表示“禁止、不准”No parking! No smoking!V.1. Make a survey at your school . And write a report .Xinhua Middle School : Activity SurveyActivityEvery dayOnce or Twice a weekFour or Five a weekExerciseDo homeworkWatch TV_VI. Exercises .一、从方框中选出适当的句子补全对话A: 1 B: I usually watch TV and read English books . 2 A: I usually do exercise , so Im healthy but not heavy .A. Do you often surf the Internet ? B. What do you usually do on weekends ?C. what about you?D. Do you like surf the Internet ?E. How often do you exercise?B: 3 A: Twice a week .B: 4 A: Yes , I love it .B: 5 A: No , not often . I try to do it once a week .二、选择1. -_ does your brother surf the Internet ?- Three times a week .A. How much B. How manyC. How often2. He goes to the movies with his son _.A. ones a week B. once a week C. two time a week3. Here _ in the classroom .A. ten students are B. is ten students C. are ten students4. She _ gets up early , so she is _ late for school .A. always , never B. usually , often C. often always5. “70% of students like watching TV” means _ students like watching TV .A. AllB. MostC. Some课后反思:3
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