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北大附中初三英语上学期期末复习 Mainly revision【基础知识精讲】1. Ive sent you an email. Have you got it?我已给你发了一封电子邮件,你收到了吗?send an email发电子邮件Im too busy to send an email to you. 我太忙而无法给你发电子邮件。2. Where was it made?它是哪儿造的?be made被造, be加过去分词表被动语态。A new kind of computer is made by this company. 这家公司制造了一种新型电脑。be made of由构成(发生物理变化)A chair is made of wood. 椅子是由木头制成的。 be made from由制成(发生化学变化)Wine is made from grapes. 葡萄酒是由葡萄制成的。3. Your father must be a computer engineer. 你父亲一定是电脑工程师。“must”表猜测,一定是,准是Look! That book must be Li Leis for his name was on it. 瞧!那本书准是李雷的,因为他的名字在上面。Chinese home cooking must be more delicious. 中国的家常菜一定更可口。4. What is the printer used for印刷机用于什么?used for使用,用于A hammer is used for driving in nails. 锤子是用来敲打钉子的。A pencil is used for writing铅笔是用于书写的。5. So far no one has travelled farther than the moon. 到目前为止,没有旅行到比月球更远的地方。so far到目前为止So far, we have learnt English for 3 years. 到目前为止,我们已学了三年英语了。6. But spaceships without people have reached other parts of the universe. 但是没有载人的宇宙飞船已经旅行到宇宙的其他部分。without没有,不带。I like Chinese tea without nothing in it. 我喜欢什么都不加的中国清茶。Without your help,Il1 fail in the exam. 没有你的帮助,我考试会失败的。He left the classroom without any words. 他什么都没说,便离开了教室。reach到达,及物动物。He reached the shop after 3 minutes. The apple is too high for him to reach. 苹果太高,他够不着。7. These satellites go round the earth and help us to learn more about the earth. 这些卫星围绕地球转,帮助我们更多地了解地球。round环,绕,介词The earth moves round the sun. 是围绕太阳转的,Drake sailed round the world. 德雷克驾船航行世界一圈。8. We can also use statellites to help us make telephone calls to foreign countries. 我们也能用卫星来帮助我们与外国通话。help sb. (to) do sth. 帮助某人做某事If you have time,I hope you can help me do the housework. 如果你有时间,我希望你能帮我做家务。make a telephone call打电话My mother made a telephone call to me yesterday, but I wasnt in. 昨天妈妈给我打电话,但我不在家。9. Thanks to space satellites, the world itself is becoming a much smaller place and people from different countries now understand each other. 多亏太空卫星,世界本身正变成一个更小的地方,现在不同国家的人能相互理解。thanks to因为,或由于Thanks to your help, we succeeded. 由于你的帮助,我们成功了。Thanks to their hard work,they finally solve the problem. 由于他们的努力工作,他们终于解决了问题。10. Sydney is 10400 kilometres away from Beijing. 悉尼离北京有10400公里远。away远离Take these things away. 把这些东西拿开。Keep the baby away from the fire. 不要让小孩走近火炉. 11. No eating, drinking or smoking is allowed in the computer room. 计算机房不允许吃、喝、抽烟。allow动词,允许许可Smoking is not allowed here. 这儿禁止抽烟。No dogs allowed. 禁止携狗入内。allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事Please allow me to carry your bag. 请允许我替你拿你的包。The teacher doesnt allow us to speak in class老师不允许我们在课堂上讲话。12. The computer room should be kept clean and tidy. 电脑室应保持干净和整洁。keep clean and tidy. 保持干净、整洁。 keep是系动词,接形容词。The other students should keep their eyes closed. 其他的学生应闭上眼睛。13. Make sure all the lights are turned off when you leave. 当你离开的时候,确信所有的灯都关了。turn off关(阀、电源等)At 9: 00,I turned off TV and went to bed. 九点时,我关了电视然后上床睡觉。Dont turn off the light. Its too black here. 别关灯,这儿太黑了。14. Good idea!好主意idea,意为计划,主意,念头,既可数又不可数What a good idea!多好的主意!Whats your idea. 你的想法是什么?His ideas are very strange. 他的想法很奇特。Im afraid Ive no idea. 我恐怕不知道。15. Im trying to find out our favourite TV programme. 我试图找到我们喜爱的电视节目。try试做I dont think I can do it, but I11 try it. 我认为我不能做此事,但我将试试。try to do sth. 努力去做某事Please try to be earlier next time. 下次尽量早点。try for sth. 试图得到We 11 work hard and try for success. 我们将努力作试图取得成功。try on sth. 试穿I want to try on shoes before I buy it. 在我买这鞋子之前,我想试试。16. What about the other channels?其它频道怎么样?What about表示询问情况或建议My parents are both fine, what about yours?我的父母亲都很好,你的呢?What about going to see a film?Good idea!去看电影怎么样?好主意!17. There must be something wrong with the TV. 电视机肯定出了毛病。something意为“某事、某物、某东西”, 用形容词修饰,形容词放在后面,如something nice, something good. Ive got something in my eyes. 我眼睛里有什么东西。Ill give you something delicious to eat. 我将给你可口的东西吃。18. Id better take it to uncle Wang. 我最好把它送到王叔叔那儿去。had better表建议,“最好”接动词原形。“Its cold outside. Youd better put on a coat. 外面天冷,你最好穿上大衣。You had better not tell him the secret. 你最好不告诉他那个秘密。 【重点难点解析】1. 关于被动语态的用法Manmade satellites have been sent up into space by many countries. 被动语态构成be + 动词过去分词,如The classroom was cleaned just now. 刚才教室已被打扫了。The printer is used for printing documents. 印刷机被用于印刷文件。告诉学生及物动词才有被动语态。2. 复习含有情态动词的被动语态注意含有情态动词的被动语态的结构式:may, can,must + be +过去分词。e. g. Old people must be spoken to politely应该有礼貌地与老人说话。Your bike must be mended in time. 你的自行车要及时修。3. 了解简单的构词法名词 + 名词名词fire + placefireplacerail + way railway名词变成形容词名词词尾 + ing interestinteresting surprisesurprising动词变名词一般在词尾加er,orkeep keeper print printer own ownerconduct conductor invent inventor在总结词形的变化时,让学生掌握一般词形变化的规律,不能死记硬背。【单元知识纲要】1. 词汇email, repair, information, connect, provide, printer, monito
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