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Unit 2 Ill help to clean up the city parks.The Fifth Period (Section B 2a-2e)姓名: 日期: 教师寄语:Live every day to the fullest. 尽享每日。【预习导学】1、 学习目标1)掌握本课时单词短语。2)能分析长难句,理解文章大意。2、 自学任务Task 1 浏览课本P117,根据音标掌握新单词的读音,标注其词性词义。单词词性词义单词词性词义lettercarryMisstraindisabledexcitedblindtrainingdeafkindnessimaginecleverdifficultyunderstandopenchangedoorTask 2 看看课本P14 2b文章中的标题和图片,试着回答问题,对文章进行预测。1. Where is it? 2. Who is Lucky in the picture? 3. What do you think they are doing? Task 3五种基本句型:1 基本句型一:S+V(主+谓)2 基本句型二:S+V+P(主+谓+表)3 基本句型三:S+V+O(主+谓+宾)4 基本句型四:S+V+o+O(主+谓+间宾+直宾)5 基本句型四:S+V+O+C(主+谓+宾+宾补)【课堂活动】Step 1 Read the words and phrases aloud in task 1 above. (Take a dictation)Step 2 Fast-readingRead the passage as quickly as you can, and answer the following questions:1) Who wrote the letter to Miss Li? Why? 2) What did Miss Li do? Step 3 Careful readingActivity 1 Read the passage carefully and answer the following questions:1) What is Animal Helper? 2) What kind of person is the writer? 3) What is Lucky? 4) What can Lucky help the writer do? 5) Would you like to help the persons like the writer? How? Activity 2 Read the passage and finish 2c.Activity 3 Read the passage and finish 2d.Step 4 Post readingFinish 2e and retell the story.【训练反馈】. 单项选择( )1 What you say always makes yourself . A. understood B. to understand C. understand D. understanding( )2 The box looks very heavy, maybe I cant it by myself. A. carry B. take C. fetch D. send( )3 When she saw this kind of situation, she had to her mind to help me. A. improve B. change C. remind D. fill( )4 The monkey beat the foxy crocodile at last and left there with a smile. A. poor B. silly C. clever D. shy( )5 The news made everyone very . A. excited; excited B. exciting; excited C. exciting; exciting D. excited; exciting. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空1. Li Lei is so (excite) he cant say anything.2. His (kind) made the workers who made mistakes very thankful.3. I have some (difficult) in learning foreign languages.4. It isnt easy for the (able) people to live in their daily life. We should help them as possible as we can.5. The news invention will make a great (different) to our life.3
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