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Module 8 Story time Unit 1 Once upon a time【学习目标】(重点)1.学会本单元的单词和短语。(难点)2.能根据图片复述课文。【预习导学】1. 课前个人试读和记忆单词表中单词和短语。2. 翻译并记住下列短语:1).很久很久以前_ 2).决定去干某事_ 3).去散步_ 4). 迷路_ 5). 敲_ 6).环顾四周_ 7).捡起,拾起 _ 8). 在深林里_ 9). 往里看 _ 10).向走去_ 11). 向赶去_ 12)一次又一次 _ 13).稍等一下_ 14).刚刚好_ 15).独自一人的_【合作探究】(学生相互解答,小组讨论或老师点拨)1. 交流预习情况1)相互交流课前预习中的情况。2)讨论预习中遇到的疑问。2. 听听力,完成Part1部分。3. 跟录音读Part2对话,理解汉语意思. 4. 小组讨论汉语意思,并练习对话,然后展示。 【疑难探究】句子分析与语法运用:(1)The story begins: Once upon a time “once upon a time “意为_仿句:从前有一个小村庄。 _(2) Goldilocks was a girl with hair of gold. 意为_hair of gold 与_同意。(3) She decided to go for a walk in the park with her basket.decide意为“_”, 固定搭配:decide (not)to do sth 意为_仿句:他们决定这个周末去购物。_go for a walk,意为_, go for 常与“旅行、野餐、远足”等名词连用,意为“去,进行”(4) And soon she was lost.翻译:_ _ (5) Goldilocks looked around her.翻译:_仿句:他环顾四周,但是什么也没看见。_拓展:列出你所了解与look相关的短语:_(6)Then she noticed a little house.notice 意为_notice sb do sth _ notice sb doing sth _ 仿句:我看见她在房间里哭。_(7)Nobody answered. 翻译:_拓展:请翻译并理解“answer”的意思:answer the door _ answer the question _ answer the phone _ (8)She picked up the very big bowl but she didnt like it.pick up 意为_ 当pick up 所接的宾语是代词宾格是要用 pick it/them up造句:请把它们捡起来。_【小结提升】1)小结:通过本课的学习,你认为哪些知识很重要,请你归纳在下面!_2)提升练习:Tell the story with key words: lived hadwent be lost looked aroundnoticedknocked pushedenteredpicked upfinishedOnce upon a time, there was a girl called Goldilocks._3
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