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Unit5Amazingthings Wordsfrom 56 to 58 Learningaims 1 Toreadthewordsfrom 56 to 58 onPage127correctly 2 Tousethewordscorrectly GuideOne 1 Pleasetrytoreadthewordsfrom 56 to 58 within2minutes Pleaseput infrontofthewordsthatyoucan tread 2 Pleasejustlistentothetape don tfollowit Thentryyourbesttorememberhowtoreadthem 2 3 Nowreadafterthetape pleasecorrectyourpronunciation payattentiontopronunciationandintonation 3 4 Pleasereadthewordsfreely 2 Practice 1 Readthewords 2 amazingamazingusualusualsuddenlysuddenlywhisperwhisperstrangestrangesurprisedsurprisedreplyreply GuideTwo 1 Doyouknowhowtorememberthemquickly Findouttheirsyllabes 8 2 Checkthewordswithyourpartner OnespeaksEnglish theotherspeaksChinese 5 GuideThree 1 Translatethefollowingphrases 5 1 令人吃惊的东西 2 同时 3 停止交谈 4 照例 amazingthings atthesametime stoptalking asusual 5 听见一声低语 6 在灌木丛中 7 转身 8 迅速离开 9 他自言自语 10 仔细搜查 11 拿起它们 12 那天后 13 吃惊的看见 hearawhisper inthebushes turnaround leavequickly saytohimself searchcarefully pickthemup laterthatday besurprisedtosee 3 Readthemaloud 3 Practiceinclass 10 1 Haveadictation 2 Checkyouranswerswithyourpartner 3 Correctyourmistakescarefully
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