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Unit 3 Is this your pencilPeriod 2 Section A (GrammarFocus3c)班级: 组名: 姓名:【学习目标】本课时的主要内容是复习和巩固所学的物品名称及形容词和名词性物主代词的用法,复习be动词引导的一般疑问句。【学习重、难点】 重点:学习更多物品名称,并运用这些词谈论物品的所属关系;复习be动词引导的一般疑问句及肯定、否定回答;复习指示代词this/that的用法。难点:物品所属关系的表达方法。【学习过程】一、目标呈现1.独立通过音标拼读SectionA 部分的单词(P14)(课前)自己拼读-组内朗读,互纠读音-全班展示(课堂).记忆力大比拼:这位老师 _ 怎么样? _感谢你的帮忙。 _ 别客气。 _这是你的红笔吗? _ 是的,是我的。_ 那是他的字典吗? _不,不是他的。 _这些是他们的书吗?_ 是的,是他们的。_那些是她的钥匙吗?_ 不,不是她的。_3. 熟读2d部分的对话,用红色笔标出重点和不懂的地方,并完成下列题目。阅读对话,回答下列问题。1)Are these Annas pencils? _2)What color is Bobs pen? _3)Whose is this dictionary? _4)Is the eraser Annas? _阅读对话,找出物品的所有者,然后完成下表。item(物品)owner(主人)Whose(谁的)dictionarypencilsblue pengreen peneraser二、自主合作任务一、熟读课本2d的对话,组内或组间分角色朗读。任务二、1、熟读课本P15的Grammar Focus。2、在Grammar Focus的第一栏内圈出这些单词:your, his, your, your, her; 在第二栏中用下划线画出这些单词:mine, hers, his, his, hers, mine.(1)、观察句子,思考当我们想确认某一或某些物品是否属于某人的时候,该如何询问?其结构是什么动词置于句首?对方又如何作出简略回答?_(2)、观察第一栏内画圈的单词,分析其意义及在句中的位置。_(3)、观察第二栏内下划线的单词,分析其意义及在句中的位置。_(4)、思考形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词在用法上的不同。_任务三、完成3a和3b。 三、展示质疑1.小组仿照2d设计对话,然后轮流上台进行角色表演。2.进行3c的猜物游戏。目标句型Is this your eraser? No, it isnt.u 重点知识归纳 1.代词与名词的所有格人称代词(谁)(Tom为名词)IyouhesheitTom形容词性物主代词(谁的)myyourhisheritsToms名词性物主代词(谁的.)mineyourshishersitsToms2.使用Thank you / Thanks 的场合有四个:别人问侯你或你的家人时;得到别人的帮助时;得到别人的夸奖、赞美时;向公众发言结尾时。3.Excuse me与Sorry/Im sorry的区别Excuse me 意为“劳驾,对不起,请问”。常用于事前当你打扰别人,或询问对方向对方表示歉意。Sorry/Im sorry意为“对不起,抱歉”,常用于事后某人由于某种失误或不能满足对方要求等表示歉意。 4.本课易(混)错点:this, that, these, those的准确含义与单、复数的区分。 形容词性物主代词、名词性物主代词与名词的所有格的用法区别。四、巩固构建 用所给词的适当形式填空:1. That is not _ bike. That bike is very small, but _ is very big. (I) 2. The dress is _. Give it to _. (she)3. -Is this _ watch? (you) -No, its not _. (I)4. _ is my brother. _ name is Jack. Look! Those books are _. (he)5. _ dresses are red. (we) What color are _? (you)6. Here are many dolls, which one is _? (she)7. I can find my toy, but wheres _? (you)8. Show _ your kite, OK? (they)9. I have a beautiful cat. _name is Mimi. These cakes are _. ( it )10. Are these_tickets? No, _ are not _. _ arent here.( they )11. Shall _ have a look at that classroom? That is _ classroom. ( we )12. _ is my aunt. Do you know _ job? _ a nurse. ( she )13. That is not _ camera. _is at home. ( he )14. Where are _? I cant find _. Lets call _ parents. ( they )15. Dont touch _. _is not a cat, _ a tiger!(it)16. _ sister is ill. Please go and get _. ( she )17. _ dont know her name. Would you please tell _. ( we )18. So many dogs. Lets count _. ( they )19. I have a lovely brother. _ is only 3. I like _ very much. ( he )20. May I sit beside _? ( you )21. Look at that desk. Those books are on _. ( it )22.The girl behind _ is our friend. (she)23. The dictionary is _(Tom), please give it to _(he).3
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