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Films班级 姓名 备课组长 教师“个备”或学生笔记栏【学习目标】1.know more about Audrey Hepburn.2.master some useful reading skills.3. master some new words.【重点、难点】How to improve students reading abilities.How to talk about Audrey Hepburn smoothly.【pre-study】一词组翻译:find and underline1.史上最伟大的女演员 _ 2.因为她的努力 _ 3.梦想成为一个成功的芭蕾舞者 _ 4.搬去伦敦 _ _ 5.吸引了作者的注意力 _ _ 6.根据她的小说 _ _ 7.扮演主角 _ 8.一次巨大成功 _ _ 9.为联合国工作 _ 10.在世界的不同地方 _ 【学习过程】Step 1 Leading-inShow some pictures about Audrey Hepburn to lead to the topic.Step 2 Pre-readingPresent some information about Audrey Hepburn and encourage students to talk about her.Step 3 While-readingSkimming Skim the passage and do exercise B2.Then check the answers.Careful-reading Read paragraph by paragraph and do some exercisesStep 4 post-readingRead the passage aloud and finish exercise B3 and B4.then,check the answers.【当堂训练】词汇应用(必做题)1 No one can achieve anything without _(努力).2. My father _(work) in this factory since 5 years ago.3Youd better _(not smoke) here. Its dangerous.4.By _(show) us the beauty of nature, she wanted to tell us not to destroy the environment.5.Hepburn _(choose) to play the lead role in Gigi by Colette.6. She wanted to remind us _ (protect) wild animals.7.Her dream was _ (become)a successful ballet dancer.8. The novel called Gigi _(make) into a play later .9. I dont like _ (act) very much. Id rather be a director.10 She is remembered for her beauty and her _(kind).11 Alice will play the lead role in the play _(base) on a famous novel.12. While acting in Monte Carlo Baby, she met Colette in _(French).【课后提升】一、根据首字母、释义或句意填入合适的单词:(必做题)1.He is a great actor and he has won a few Oscar _(has the chance to win).2.In always, she played the role of an _(天使).3.His wife is a b_ dancer.4The boy was p_ with an award because of his bravery5Jack _(坚持)on paying the money while having lunch in the restaurant.6.Like many other famous scientists, Li Siguang d_ himself to the study of science.7.He sat there p_(quietly).8.We need to develop local tourist i_.二 、用所给词的适当形式填空:(必做题)1.All of us _(attract) by her _(beautiful).2.That was her final _(appear) on TV.3.People remember him as a great _(human).4.Gong Li is one of the greatest _(act) in our country.5.My lovely dog lay _(peace) at the foot of the wall, _(enjoy) the sunshine.6.I didnt hear anyone calling for help because I _(repair) my computer.7.He _(devote) himself to _(teach) since he left college in 1962.8.Not only he but also I _ (like)skiing.9.He was very happy because he _(choose) to be the monitor of Class five.10.Hello Kitty waved to the visitors while _(dance) to the music.11.They insisted on _(stay) here for night.12.This is the third time I _(see) him. When I first saw him, he _(wait) for a bus.13.My grandfather _(pass) away before I was born.14.We should be brave and calm when _(face) the difficulty.15.We_(interview) all those stars before the presentation starts tomorrow evening.16- Would you like another piece of bread?-No, thanks. I _(have) enough.17.Has your father ever been to America? Yes, he _(go) there with my mother last summer.三、单项选择:(实验班)( )1.They have to go over their lessons before 9 oclock,_ they? A. havent B.do C.have D.dont ( )2Did you catch the train this morning? No, It _ when I _ to the station.A.left,got B.had left,got C.left,had got D.was left,was getting( )3.You mean this CD _belong to Victor? -Yes. It has his name on it. A.must B.may C.might D.can( )4.The doctor was killed last month,but the police are trying to _ who did it. A.look for B.find out C.look up D.find ( )5.Since I had a lot of homework to do, I didnt go to bed _12 last night. A.until B.when C.while D.where( )6.Mum prepares breakfast for us every morning, so she _ early. A.used to get up B. is used for getting up C.used to getting up D. is used to getting up( )7.Everyone here enjoyed the film, _ the youngest girl in red. A.including B.included C.which inclu
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