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Unit2 Wheres the post office 学习重点:表达地名位置的介词。 学习难点:自编对话。课前预习 知识准备一1.自己先拼读单词,再听磁带跟读,熟读熟记单词。2.阅读理解2a、2b和语法中的句子并用铅笔译成汉语,写在句子的下方。 3.将预习中不能解决的问题写在后面“我的疑惑处”。预习自测二 看看我有多棒: 先拼读单词,然后听磁带并跟读,完成汉译英:1.在傍边 _ 2.在铅笔盒里_ 3. 在后面 _4.在大桥街_5.在前面 _ 6.在对面_ 7 贴近_ 8在之间_二、补全句子: 1.我们学校在医院的对面。Our school is _ _ the hospital. 2.他坐在我前面。He sits _ _ _ _. 3.教室前面有一张讲桌。_ _a teachersdesk _ _ _ _the classroom. 4.老师在你和我之间。The teacher is _ _ _ _. 5.图书馆在哪儿?在邮局附近。_ the _? Its _ _ the post office .请你将预习中未能解决的问题和有疑惑的问题写下来,待课堂上与老师和同学究解决. ? 课中探究“ High”起来一 1.大声拼读Unit2单词和教材P8Grammar Focus。2.小组同学抽背1c。“ 学始于疑二 你能总结出问路的句型吗?质疑探究三一、自主学习1.熟读句型完成2a.2.听录音,完成2b,然后找出词组并熟练应用。二、探究延伸1.The pay phone is across from the library.投币电话在图书馆的对面.1)across from: 词义:“_”做_。The school is _ _the supermarket.学校在超市对面。2)区别across , through , 二者都表示“穿过”,但内涵不同。 across:表示在物体表面进行“横穿” 穿过街道,过桥等; through:表示从物体内部某一空间中穿过, 穿过森林等。This river goes_the forest.这条河穿过森林。Dont go_ the street when the traffic light is red.红灯时不要穿越马路。2The pay phone is in front of the library.投币电话在图书馆前面。1)区别 in front of ,before Before:通常指时间上的“在之前”,与after对应。In front of :通常指方位上的“在之前”,与behind对应。Sunday comes _Saturday.周六之后是周日。I have to finish my work _ I go to bed.睡觉之前我必须做完我的工作。The teacher is often_ him.老师老在他背后。He sits_ TOM. 他坐在TOM前面。2)区别in front of ,in the front of In front of : A物在B物的前面,二者不包容。 In the front of : A物在B物里面的前部,B包容A。 There is a park the house.房子的前面是一个公园 The teachers desk is the classroom.讲桌在教室的前方。当堂检测四 一、根据句意及首字母补全句子1.Its Center Street.( 在中央大街)2.Its the bank. ( 在银行对面)3.Its the post office. ( 在邮局附近)4.Its the restaurant the supermarket.(在之间)5.Its the post office. ( 在邮局前面)6.Its the library. ( 在图书馆后面)二、用正确的介词填空:1.The girl red is my cousin.2.We have no bread our breakfast.3.My father buy me a beautiful bike.=My father buy a beautiful bike ( for )me.4.Please show me your photo.=Please show your photo me.5.My mother comes _ China.6. There are some books the bed.7.There are three birds the tree. 8.There are many apples the apple tree.9.I often buy some things that shop near my house.10.There is a map the wall.11.That young man sells that watch me.12.She often goes to see Beijing Opera her father.13.I have no money me. 14.Our school starts _ 8 oclock but we dont go to school _ weekends.15.His birthday is _ June 1st. He was born _2007. 16.What is this _ English?17.Im sorry. My mother isnt home now.18.Im Class Three. Are you Class Three,too?19. She often helps me my English.20.The basketball is _ the table,_ the floor.【省以致善】 课后训练 3
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