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If you go to the party, youll have a good time.Period Three Section B (1a-1c)学习目标:1.重点词汇: travel, agent2.重点句型: If you work hard , you will be famous .If I go to college , Ill never become a great soccer player .3.条件状语从句的应用。课前探究 1.预习单词wallet到halfway.2、找出下列短语的原文英语1.快乐_ 2.环游世界 3.上大学 _4.出名_5.接受教育 6.成为足球运动员 _ 7.加入“狮子”队 _ 8.刻苦 _ 9.对于许多人来说 _ 10.看起来像 _ 11.努力工作 _12.挣很多钱 _13.给我一些建议 _ 预习交流(检查个人完成预习情况。) I组内成员互相抽读生词,相互纠错,教师抽读。II 组内成员相互批改英译汉练习,作出评价_(ABC)。互助提升1、预习检查:小组内收集预习勾画出来的短语,词组。2、小组核对短语答案 3、听对话,完成1b,1c的听力任务。4、小组合作,演练对话1d。5、.合作探究完成下列知识点。1.make a lot of money赚钱 make与不同的词组成词组。造纸 交朋友 生火 铺床 沏茶_谋生 下决心 打电话 _2.join/ join in / take part in的区别1)If you join the Lions,如果你加入雄狮队2)He joined the army in 1948.他在1948年参军。3)They took part in the game last Friday.= they joined in the game last Friday.上星期五他们参加了那项比赛。join用于_; take part in= join in 用于_3.around the world的含义 “遍及全世界,世界范围内”1)If you become a Lion, youll travel around the world.如果你成为一名“狮子队”队员,你将为周游世界。2)We have friends around the world.=We have friends all over the world.=We have friends throughout the the world. 我们的朋友遍天下。3)Jack hopes to travel all over the world when he grows up.Jack hopes to travel _ _ _when he grows up.4)He traveled about/round/around the world.他周游了全世界。5) They sat about/round/around the fire. 他们围火而坐。around +地点,表示“在周围”时,相当于_,三者常可互换。体验成功一、单项选择。( ) 1. We have friends all the world. A. in B. of C. over( ) 2. Well go to the Great Wall it doesnt rain tomorrow. A. when B. if C. until( ) 3. Im not sure if they a party next Sunday. A. will have B. would have C. had( ) 4. Whats your hometown famous ? A. for B. of C. in ( ) 5. Gina wants to the English club in her school. A. take part in B. join C. join in ( )6.Will you give him a chance(机会) _ the important meeting tomorrow.A. to take part in B. take part in C.to join( )7.Why not _ your teacher for help when you cant finish _ it by yourself?A.ask, write B.to ask, writing C.ask, writing ( )8.In Britain, you must be 18 _ you want to drive a car.A.because B. so C. if ( )9.Lets go out for a picnic(野餐) on Sunday. _.A.Nice to meet you B.Good idea C.The same to you ( )10.If you watch TV now , you _ the homework tonight . A. dont finish B. wont finish C. Didnt finish 二、根据汉语提示完成句子。1. If I enough money , I will (环游世界).2. My dream is to (上大学).3. 中国因长城而闻名。China is the Great Wall.4. 我们应该帮助那个穷孩子接受教育。We should help the poor child .5.为了赚许多的钱,他努力地工作。He works hard to .快乐心得1.我帮助了_同学说_。2._同学帮助我学会了_.3.我在课堂上与同学对话_次。4.我对我在课堂上的_(表现)感到满意。5.本堂课我还有_不懂。拓展延伸A man was sitting in the doctors office.He was telling the doctor about his_1_.I like football,doctor,he said.Please help me .My life has_2_been a good one since I become_3_in football and it is getting worse and worse.I cant even_4_well at night.When I close my_5_.Im out there in the football field_6_after a flying ball.When I wake up,Im more_7_than I was I went to bed.What am I going to do?the doctor sat back and said,First of all, you_8_to do your best not to dream about football .Before you are falling asleep,try to_9_about something else.Try to think that you are at a party and someone is going to give you several million dollars.(医生说完话了)Are you crazy?the man shouted.Ill_10_the ball!( )1.A.problem B.family C.sport D.journey( )2.A.always B.already C.never D.often( )3.A.interested B.careful C.deep D.strong( )4.A.work B.play C.do D.sleep( )5.A.doors B.windows C.books D.eyes( )6.A.booking B.playing C.running D.waiting ( )7.A.worried B.tired C.surprised D.pleased( )8.A.want B.hope C.have D.decide( )9.A.hear B.write C.talk D.think( )10.A.miss B.play C.catch D.pass4
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