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Unit 5 Amazing things一、课前预习导学:一)学习目的:(1)学习并拓展有关描述危险场合的短语和句型。(2)了解用火安全时的自救及求救方法。(3)懂得:在日常生活中,我们应该互相帮助。二)基本知识掌握:重点短语: 翻译下列短语1.put out the fire 2.on 10th May 3.be at home alone 4.hear somebody doing 5.a 79-year-old woman 6.pour something over 7.help somebody out 8.rush into 9.be careful with 10.keep .away from. 重点句型:翻译下列句子1.He helped his neighbour out of a fire. 2.He was in hospital for two months. 3.We should help each other. 4.Fire can be very dangerous. 5.It is important to be careful with fire. 6.Thank you for joining us this evening. 二、课内合作探究:1、重难点讲解:1)Suddenly, he heard someone shouting Fire! Fire!hear somebody doing something 意为“听见某人正在做某事”。 类似的词组还有:see, watchCan you hear the children singing in the classroom ?I saw him running into a hospital yesterday.The mother watched her diary lying on the ground.2)He went in and saw his neighbour, the 79-year-old Mrs Sun, in the kitchen. 79-year-old , 这里词与词之间用连字符连接,起形容词作用,通常作定语,后接名词。如: There is a ten-metre-tall tree in front of my room.如用作表语,应去掉连字符,此时year必须用复数。 Mrs Sun is 79 years old. 3)He put out the fire with a blanket and helped Mrs Sun out.put out 意思是“使停止燃烧,使熄灭”。如:It took the firemen six hours to put out the fire.She put out the light and went to bed.4) He was in hospital for two months.in hospital 意思是“(生病)住院”,注意其中没有冠词;in the / a hospital 的意思则不同,表示“在医院”,意思是“去医院看望某人或在医院工作等”。如三、课内练习巩固1. 翻译下列短语:(1)在五月十日 _ (2)帮助某人出来 _(3)冲进 _ (4)某人发生某事 _(5)在报纸上 _ (6)对小心 _(7)使远离_ (8) 独自 _2.根据汉语完成下列句子(1) I can hear the students _ (唱歌) in the classroom.(2) My sister doesnt like to _ (独自在家).(3) My cousin is only a _ (3岁的男孩).(4) Firemen _ (往浇水) the house to_ (扑灭) the fire.(5) I was _(住院) for a week last month.(6) _ (很重要) read English every day.(7) Dont _the stove _ (让开着) .(8) This music _ (听起来很美妙). 四、课后拓展延伸1.翻译:(1)知道防火安全知识是重要的。 (2)火烧伤了他的脚。 (3)别让炉子开着。 (4)让油远离火。 (5)我看见了大量的烟从厨房冒出。 2.用本课所学过的短语和句型,就我们周围所发生的事,进行短剧表演。五、教学效果验收1.错题警报2.错因分析3.矫正补救4.教与学反思 2
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