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四川省崇州市桤泉镇思源学校2014届九年级英语上学期第三学月考试试题A卷(共100分)听力部分一、 听句子, 选择最佳答语,每句念两遍。(共6小题,每小题一分) 1. A. Youre right. B. Sorry, I was out. C. Id like to go to Italy.2. A. So its really hard. B. So do I. C. I think so.3. A. Juliet B. Last Year. C. In a bank4. A. Yes, Id love to. B. Yes, Im sure. C. Yes, I can swim fast.5. A. Such as? B. Great! Lets go! C. Guess what?6. A. For five days. B. two kilometers. C. He goes to visit someone. 二. 听句子, 选择与其相符的图片,每句念两遍。 A B C D7. _ 8. _ 9. _ 10. _ 三. 听对话,选择正确答案,每段念两遍。(共10小题,每小题1分)( ) 11.A. In 1927 B. In 1729 C. In 1792( )12. A. 7:40. B. 7:35. C. 7:25( )13. A. His mother B. His father C. His teacher( )14. A. 15minutes B. 20minutes C. 25minutes( )15.A.She would buy a big house for her family. B. She would give the money to charities.C. She would buy a car for herself.( )16. A. For 2 days. B. For three days. C. For seven days.( )17. A. At home B. In Hongkong C. In beijing( )18. A. Because her hand hurt. B. Because she thought it fun C. Because she didnt want to go to school.( )19. A. Armstrong. B. Aldrin. C. Gagarin( )20. A. when the vacation is over. B. In two weeks C. The day after tomorrow四、听短文,根据短文内容选择填空,短文念三遍。(共五小题,每小题1分)21、The woman drove to the beach usually becauseA: she lived near there.B. She didnt feel happy.C. A six-year-old girl lived there.22. What did Windy like? A. The feeling of the sand B. The feeling of the wind. C. The feeling of the water23. Why did the woman rush to the beach one day? A. Because her mother died. B. Because she missed Windy. C.Because Windy is ill.24. How did Windy feel when the woman shouted the truth out? A. She felt angry. B. She felt worried. C. She felt sad.25. How was Windy a month later?A. She was terribly ill. B. She died of illness. C. She kept happy as usual. 笔试部分五、选择填空。(共25题,每题1 分,共25分)A)从方框中的选项中,找出和划线部分意思相同或相近,并能代替划线部分的选项。A. in fact B. refuse Cfamous D. arrived at26Mozart is a well-known pianist in the world27A few minutes later, Paul and Nancy got to Center Street by bus.28Sam looks strong, but actually he is not in good health.29Tom,remember you are having a feverIf your friends ask you to play outside,you should say no to them B)从各题的A、B、C三个选项中选择正确答案。(共17小题,每小题1分,计17分)30. Do you know _university student who is talking with Joe?Yes,shes my cousin,Kate Aa Ban Cthe31. -Where is Mike? He asked me to go out for a walk this evening. -Maybe he _TV in the living room now. A. watched B. will watch C. is watching32The moon light is coming in _the window and the room seems quiet and beautiful Aacross Bthrough Cover33.Of all the sports shoes,John bought _pair。Then he had some money for socksAa cheaper Bthe most wonderful Cthe least expensive34Liu Ying lives with her grandparents in the countryside because _of her parents work in the city Aboth Beither Cneither35May I do the rest of the work tomorrow? Yes,of courseYou _finish it today Amust Bmustnt Cneednt36Jane _Im waiting for her Acame back Bhas come back Chasnt come back37The kids didnt start to fly kites in the playground _the rain stopped Aif Buntil Cwhenever38T
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