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湖北省阳新县浮屠镇浮屠初级中学2012年九年级英语期中试题 人教新目标版.听句子或对话,选择正确图片。读一遍。ABCDEII.听句子,选择正确答语。每个句子读一遍。(5分)( )6.A.Since I was born.B.Four times.C.In two weeks.( )7.A.Hes gone home.B.He will go to his hometown. C.Hes on the way home.( )8.A.Theyll return next month.B.Theyll visit their parents.C.Theyre doing some shopping.( )9.A.No, I didnt.B.Yes, I went there last month. C.Yes, I will.( )10.A.Its very interesting.B.Yes, I do.C.Its a big city.听对话及问题,选择正确答语。每段对话读两遍。(5分)( )11.A.He can go out on school nights.B.He can play with his friends for a while after school.C.He can go to the movies with his friends.( )12.A.By 10:00 a.m.B.By 10:30 p.m.C.By 10:00 p.m.( )13.A.Yes, he is often late.B.Yes, but sometimes he is late.C.He is never late for class.( )14.A.Yes, they are.B.No, it isnt.C.No, they arent.( )15.A.Yes, she will.B.Yes, she does.C.No, she wont.IV.听对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。(5分)听第一段对话,回答第16-17小题。( )16.How long has the man taught at the school?A.For ten years.B.Since 1990.C.Since five years ago.( )17.How long has the man worked there?A.For about seven years. B.Since the factory opened. C.Since 20 years ago.听第二段对话,回答第18-20小题。( )18.Where has Jack been?A.To a car factory.B.To a park.C.To a farm.( )19.Why has the lake become dirty?A.Because there was no one to protect it.B.Because there were too many dead fish.C.Because the visitors threw rubbish into the lake.( )20.What did Jack take to the leader of the park?A.Some news.B.A bottle of water and some dead fish. C.A report.听短文,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。(5分)( )21.What kind of passage is it?A.A story.B.An ad.C.A play.( )22.What kind of people can become a member of that group?A.People from 12 to 18.B.All young people.C.People from 12 to 80.( )23.What can those people do?A.Help patients in hospital.B.Help children in schools.C.Help people in many ways.( )24.Who does Susan look after?A.Children.B.Old people.C.Patients.( )25.What will you do if you want to join the group?A.Call them or visit them.B.Call them or visit their website.C.Visit their website or write to them. 笔试部分I单选题(每题1分,计15分)26. The question is simple. _ can answer it. A. Someone B. Anybody C. Nobody D. No one27. Ill leave _ Beijing my dads car. A. on; in B. for; on C. for; in D. in; in28. After having a cup of tea, he asked for _. A. two more B. more two C. more than two D. two cups29. You will be late _ you hurry up. A. after B. when C. unless D. until30. -Whats up? -The music in the restaurant sounds so_ that I want to leave at once. A. soft B. wonderful C. friendly D. noisy31. No free plastic bag in the supermarket helps to _ white pollution. A. reduce B. recycle C. provide D. produce32. He is so poor that he has no house _. A. to live B. living C. living in D. to live in33. _ of the water _ polluted. We must try to protect our environment. A. Two third; are B. Two third; is C. Two thirds; are D. Two thirds; is34. -Its reported that some capsules(胶囊) are really bad for our health. -Sounds terrible. Hopefully the problem _ as soon as possible A is solved B. has solved C. was solved D. will be solved35. -Could you please tell me_ more about shoe yogurt? -Certainly. You can look it up in this webpage. A when could I learn B. where I can learn C. when I can learn D where could learn36. -China is beginning to test the air quality with the new standard(标准)PM2.5 -Good news! Then the old PMIO standard will be A .out of style B. here and there C. on the way D. in a hurry37.Three _ injured students died in a hospital in east Chinas Jiangsu Province last year. Sorry to hear that. But our government _ much about the school bus safety management.A. serious; did B. bad; did C. seriously; has done D. badly; was done38. Jack _ dislike the weather in Beijing in spring, because there is so much wind and sand. But now he _ it.A. is used to; used to B. used to; is used toC. was used to; is used to D. used to; uses to 39. Which of the following underlined parts has different pronunciation?A. great B.feature C. peaceful D. dream40. Teddy,dont draw on the wall. Its not a good behavior. _.A. Never mind B. Yes, Id love to C. Sorry, I wont D. Of course notII完形填空(15分)When you write a letter or make a telephone call, your words 41 a message. People communicate with words. Do you think you can communicate 42 words? A smile 43 your face shows you
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